Sunday, September 18, 2011

My Chair Obsession

I LOVE chairs ! Small Chairs , shabby chairs, comfy chairs, overstuffed .....well you get the picture. I spent this rainy day working on projects for the store. It was a great day to do it and I got SO much accomplished. There is nothing I love more than giving new life to a discarded chair ( ok , well , there are a few things I love more , but... well again , you get the picture).
Aren't these AWESOME ! I call them modern country /cottage !
These babies are going to the store tomorrow. Here's another one I created today for the store.
Isn't she pretty . I think it's called a harp back chair ( I think ) . Anyway, the paint color is called Cinnamon, which I thought would be a rusty brown which was perfect because I wanted to make her a "fall" chair. However it turned out to be more of a pumpkin orange, still fine for fall , but I didn't really have any fall fabric that looked right. This fabric I used  is actually a piece from a vintage tablecloth which I had been wanting to use for quite awhile. I love working with vintage fabric , it  just seems to be a sturdier fabric , anyway , I was very happy with the way she turned out .
I have collected small Mexican chairs for several years now. I got my first one because it was red and cute. I LOVE red and I will find a place for most any little red thing I find. I rarely pay more than a couple dollars for my Mexican chairs and usually find them in junk shops and second hand stores. I have several red ones , some natural wood ones and Emily ( my baby girl , ok , she's almost 22, but still MY BABY ) found me an awesome white one at a Goodwill .
Just part of my collection.....
You can't really tell but this picture , but the picture in the center is actually a PICTURE OF CHAIRS ! I got it for three dollars at a thrift store , I couldn't go home with out it. It had an ugly green frame , but that was easy enough to change !

I found this little gem in one of my favorite second hand shops and KNEW it had to go home with me. I had no idea where I would put it , but it was too sweet to leave behind. Emily was like , " Mom , do you really need that?" and I was like , "Nope, but I want it !"
It's just like my Mexican chairs only child size !
I stuck it in a corner of the bathroom ( cause it fit really well there) and there it languished with out much thought from me ....UNTIL... Miss Addie  ( My Darling Granddaughter) started potty training . Now she scoots it up to the sink to wash her hands. I just knew I needed it in my house !
And last but by no means least , is my  version of shabby chic.
Gorgeous , right ! Well maybe not to everyone, but I. LOVE. HER! Again , I wish I was a better photographer :( She has kinda chartreuse embossed flowers ( which were originally more olive but have faded to chartreuse) with a little fuchsia thrown in . I found her in a junk shop and fell in love from across the room ! I gravitated right to her . Price tag - $10. I knew I had to have her, but Ryan ( Emily's guy) was with me and he never pays the asking price for ANYTHING  ( I think it would physically hurt him to pay the asking price), he offered the guy $5 and this shabby little lady was mine ! Hubby about had a fit ,but he has gotten used to her  ! Yah !
SO ... there is a small sampling of my chair obsession.
What is your decorating obsession ?

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