Thursday, September 8, 2011

My Moon Garden

My flower beds have never looked better than they do right now. Typical of course , because in Iowa our first frost usually comes around the first week in October. That gives me about another month to enjoy the beauty of my flower gardens.
I talked in an earlier post about my laziness when it comes to my vegetable garden. I tend to give my flower garden a little more TLC. Thanks God I don't need my vegetables to feed my family! I have friends and farmers market for that.
I label my gardens ( kinda like my homes ). I have a hosta garden , a wine bottle tree garden ( bet you're wondering about that one , huh? ), a perennial garden and a moon garden.
Today I'm going to take you on a tour of my moon garden. Never heard of a moon garden you say... a moon garden consists of white blooming flowers , silver foliage plants, plants that bloom at night or plants that release their fragrance at night.
I fell in love with the concept of a moon garden years ago when a read a beautifully illustrated article in Herb Companion Magazine and I knew I had to have one.
One of the first things to consider , even before plant selection , is the location of your garden. If you don't place it near somewhere you spend time in the evening, you will never enjoy it to the fullest. I planted my first moon garden when we lived in the " big blue house" . I planted it next to our deck. It faced the south and got plenty of sun during the day. My moon garden now is on the north side of the house and mostly shade , but that is where my deck is supposed to be ( but that's another story) . So you see now why it is important to plan location before plants.
One of my FAV plants for a moon garden is Datura or Angel's trumpet. It is beautiful ! It's very slow to get started ( at least for me ), has velvety leaves and huge beautiful trumpet shaped flowers that open at night.
They do come in other colors , pink and yellow , but I prefer the white.
Other must haves for moon garden are any variety of Artemesia.  I have Silver mound in mine, simply because it's one of my favorite perennials. I also have Lambs ear, Varigated Dogwood , white Peony , Russian Sage , Allysum, Ribbon Grass and LOTS of white Impatiens ( mostly shade remember).
There is something magical about sitting on your patio or deck ( or in my case grass, because for some reason my deck is still NOT built ! ) and seeing the flowers and foliage glow in the dark , fill the night with their fragrance , listening to the frogs and crickets ( of course , it's all the more enjoyable with a glass of wine ).

This was my moon garden a few weeks ago. It is looking very lush right now. The Ribbon Grass is taking over , so it will probably have to find a home elsewhere ( I can never just pull something out , it has to be relocated). Next year I will make room for a Datura or two ( they get quite large) and I have a trellis which I am painting midnight blue and I am  hoping a moonflower vine will cooperate and cover . And isn't my Man in the Moon painting FABULOUS ? A birthday gift from my friend KP. I am so lucky to have talented friends!
How do you create a little magic in your garden ?

Till next time ....