Monday, October 31, 2011

Copy Cat Challenge

The challenge - to find something in a magazine ( or online magazine) and copy it.
Easy peasy , cause that's where I get my best inspiration.
And thanks to Pinterest , it's so easy to keep track of.

This is also the last Halloween post of the year .
Anyway , all of my copy cats are from Better Homes and Gardens.

Loved this. But I didn't carve my pumpkin.

Hostas weren't looking so good . But the pumpkin is in the birdbath.

LOVE this !
I love the monogrammed pumpkins. But pumpkin variety was pretty slim around here this year.

One was good enough for me .

Now I consider this last one my very best copy cat of the Halloween season...
Although , I made two displays out of one idea .
The inspiration

Halloween - love the hedge apples !
I loved the hedge apples and the black & white & lime !

The copy cat(s)

No hedge apples... spray painted pumpkin....the next best thing

May not be the best copy cat . But Better Homes and Gardens never fail to inspire me .

Linking to :
Debbiedoo's Copy Cat Challenge

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Carmel Apple Cupcakes and Girl Time with the Family

It was Bridal Shower weekend in the Trailerhood.

 My oldest nephew is getting married in a couple weeks and I love to have a party , so bridal shower it was.

 Last night we met up with the girls for part of the bachelorette party, just the supper part , cause this girl is getting a little too old for the other part !
 We had Addie with us too.
She needed shoes for the wedding.
 She is the flower girl .
 Can't wait to see how that goes... She is only 2 after all.

Me and Sis ( mother of the groom )

Jenna ( bride-to-be )

Spencer and Emily.
Cousins but more like sisters.
Spencer is going to kill me.
She didn't want her picture taken as they had been paintballing all afternoon and she had paint in her hair ! She is beautiful anyway !

Miss Addie saying " cheese".

Ok , done family sharing. Now onto the subject of this post.

Carmel Apple Cupcakes.

I saw these in a post from Inspired by Charm and thought they would be the perfect dessert for the shower.
Michael didn't include the recipe so I went to my go-to recipe site . It's a great site , if you haven't used it , you should give it a try.

I found a recipe and it sounded very simple. The biggest job was unwrapping 35 carmels. In his post, Michael said he bought carmel bits instead of unwrapping all the carmel. Well, in my rural corner of the world , I couldn't find them. Sooo, I unwrapped 35 carmels.

Instead of melting them on the stove top , I used the microwave. Stirring every 30 seconds.

I always read the reviews of the recipes before I make them. Sometimes people post comments of what they would do differently or what they did or didn't like about the recipe. This one had a few comments about the carmel topping being to thick and gooey. I had the opposite problem. My carmel was really runny and made a mess ! But it was SO delish!

I put nuts on some and left some plain.
 Sometimes you feel like a nut , sometimes you don't.
Really , I know Sarah doesn't like nuts... but I do .....

All in all , a very good recipe. I would give it 4 stars.
 I would give it 5 but they were so messy !

OK , forgive me ... one more family picture.... well maybe two...

My beautiful girls.....I love them so.....

Say "cheese" !

Linking this post to these wonderful blogs:

Funky Junk Interiors ( or click on the button on the sidebar)

Under the Table and Dreaming
( click the button on the sidebar)
Between Naps on the Porch ( or click on the button on the sidebar )
A Bowl Full of Lemons
Vintage Wannabee ( or click button on the sidebar)
Dittle Dattle

You're Talking too Much
A Creative Princess

Naptime Creations

Saturday, October 29, 2011

My First Blog Award!

Sharon from an awesome blog I follow, From Rags to Rainbows, awarded ME the Leibster Award !

The Liebster Blog Award is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers.  Liebster is a German word meaning clean, sweet, kind, nice, good, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing and welcome.

Thank you so much Sharon! I am so honored and excited that you included me in your choices! Now, if you haven't visited Sharon's  blog, you are missing out!! She makes jewelry, sews and repurposes funrniture. She is a thrifty shopper and has started painting everything she can get her hands on. Please check out her blog.

To keep this award going and pass it along to other new deserving blogs, the recipient must now recognize five other bloggers with less than 200 followers that have stood out in the crowd.

The rules for the Liebster Award are:

1. Thank the giver and link back to the blogger who gave it to you.

2.  Reveal your top 5 picks and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.

3.  Copy and paste the award on your blog.

4.  Have faith that your followers will spread the love too!

Now this was a little harder for me and took some time. You know I haven't been at this blogging thing very long. And most of the blogs I follow are from established blogger with thousands of followers. Plus I don't like to "follow" a blog unless I really enjoy it. I have to really be interested in their projects and like their style of writing. Soooo, I had to do a little research. If Sharon hadn't given ME the award, I certainly would've given it to her . I enjoy everything about her blog, PLEASE check it out.

OK, all that being said ,here are my 5  blogs, in no particular order:

Rebecca @ You're Talking too Much ( she had me at the name ! )
Now I'm not sure if it's "legal" for me to give her this award , it is supposed to be for blogs under 200 followers , but as I was her #201 , I'm doing it anyway. Just call me a rebel ! Her blog makes me laugh and she has great tips AND I participate in her "linky " party on Mondays. Please check her out !

Lesley @ Freakin Craft
I started following Lesley when we both participated in the same " linky" party ( couldn't tell you which one right now , wish I could remember , geez...) She does a lot of printable and is generous enough to share them with those of us not capable of creating our own . PLUS , she is FREAKIN hilarious !Please check her out !

Tracy @ Crow's Feet Chic
I really like her style. She got me with all of her awesome Halloween posts. And I look forward  to seeing what she does for the coming holidays.

Alyssa @ Everything has a Place
Alyssa linked to one of the same parties I did ( again , can't remember which one ) and made some awesome pillows. I am not a sewer but with her step by step instructions , I think I might give it a try. That is if I can find a good second hand machine somewhere.

Deborah @ Confessions of a Craigslist Junkie
Again, I like her style. We has a lot of the same interests and I love to see how she repurposes furniture.

Thanks again Sharon !

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Chair Makeover

Last Saturday I started a couple thrift store projects.
 It was a perfect day to spray paint and I know those are numbered.
I thought I would share a couple of them with you.

I had already taken the seats off when I took this picture.

I wanted to try something new. I painted them red first . Then I painted them with a flat white.
I wanted to distress them and have the red come through.

Hubby found this adorable little bench at a sale.
 I think he paid $2.
 I had the gingham fabric from a previous project.

I didn't distress it very heavily.
 It was my first attempt  and I decided if I didn't like it , I would just repaint it.

I did kinda like it.

Chair #2

I really like this one.
It has great bones.

I covered the seat of this one with a vintage tablecloth.
I love to use vintage fabric. It's so sturdy.

It's faded in places , but that's ok.
It just adds character.

Hubby didn't like it.
 He thought it was a bad paint job.
He obviously doesn't get distressing.
Em thought I should have distressed it more.
Addie said " chair cute Grandma."
Sarah liked it too. She said it was Shabby Chic.
I love my girls !

To distress or not to distress?
What's your opinion?

Linking this post to :
Thrifty Thursday @ Inspired Charm
or click the button on the sidebar
Check out the awesome thrifty ideas.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Spookified Moon Garden

This past weekend I "spookified" my Moon Garden.
It was definitely past it's prime , no longer the lush garden you saw here.
My family thought I was crazy.
Well, they think that most of the time.
You see , my Moon Garden is in the back of my house , where it is rarely seen by anyone but me.
That has never stopped me from decorating before, and it didn't this time.
It's like my Secret Garden and I like it that way!
It is Halloween after all !

When I told Em that I was making ghosties , she said " you're not going to make those weird ghosts that hold hands in a circle are you ?" , and I said , " well yes I am."
And I did.
And I kinda like them.

My Moon Man

I wanted some white pumpkins , but # 1 - I couldn't find any locally and #2- I was too cheap to buy them even if I could've found them. Sooo, white spray paint to the rescue!

I filled my rhubarb leaf bird bath with another white spray painted pumpkin and some silver spray painted mini pumpkins.

There you have it .....

My "Spookified" Moon Garden !

Now for Pinteresting Wednesday.....
I know , YESTERDAY was Wednesday, but Pinterest wouldn't connect for me last night....

WAY cooler than my ghost in the garden !

A close up. Chicken wire . Cool huh?

Fun idea , but do you think they would scare my birds?

Ghosts and white pumpkins .... just like mine right ?
Maybe I'll add some grave stones next year !

Linking this post to :
The Vintage Apple

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Halloween Faux Mantel with Subway Art

It's been a busy , beautiful weekend here in the Trailerhood . We had parties and company  and family around all weekend. Just the way I like it ! On Saturday everyone left to go fishing ( I do not fish ) so I had the whole day to myself, this doesn't happen often and to tell you the truth it felt a little strange at first. I quickly got over that and decided it was a great day to create.
I started several projects  ( which I'm sure will be future posts ) . And decided to " spookify" the Moon Garden ( another future post ).
Today I am going to share with you my Faux Mantel. Don't you just love the word "faux" ? What a classy way to say fake ! I don't actually have a mantle anymore . But I have a thrift store sofa table that cost me $3 ( even better , well, maybe not , but you've got to work with what you have ) . I just covered it with some of that "spooky" black material from the Dollar store and a spider web runner Em got me on clearance last year at Target.

I love my Halloween tree ! I have it out year round and decorate it for each season/holiday. I particularly like to decorate it for Halloween because I have so many awesome Halloween ornaments.

 The tree was a store display of some kind and I bought it when the store was going out of business. It's one of those finds you can use all the time , I've never regretted that purchase.

I especially love this little Lady . Don't you just love my full figured witch ! I have her sister too, but , the picture didn't really come out ( too much light coming in the window ).

I also love the Free Halloween printable. This is the first time I've ever used them. But what fun . A big thank you to Freaking Craft  for sharing her " Something Wicked " printable with us.

 But I am most proud of the Halloween Subway art that I created myself ! I just think they are so cool and they are all over blogland these days. However , I am as computer challenged as I am photography challenged , I wasn't really sure if I could pull it off. Then I found this awesome blog  The Mother Huddle ( super cute name too) with a fantastically easy to follow tutorial. And I created this one.

Again with the bad photography....GEEZ....

It really was fun to make. I can see myself making a lot more in the future. My sister liked it so well she asked my for the website I found it on!

Anyway.... that's what I created.
 A Faux mantle is better than NO mantle !

I'm linking this post to:
Funky Junk Interiors ( or click on the button on the sidebar)
DebbieDoos ( or click on the button on the sidebar)
Under the Table and Dreaming
( click the button on the sidebar)
Between Naps on the Porch ( or click on the button on the sidebar )
A Bowl Full of Lemons
Vintage Wannabee ( or click button on the sidebar)
Dittle Dattle

You're Talking too Much
A Creative Princess

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Pinteresting Wendsday.....Halloween Party at the Trailerhood

I have been remiss in my posting this week.
 I'm hosting a Halloween party on Friday for my girlfriends.
 It's become an annual thing ( year #2 ).
 I love having parties and I LOVE Halloween!
 So what better way to participate in The Vintage Apple"s " Oh , So Pinteresting Wednesday Linky Party than with my Halloween Party Pinterest board.
For those of you not using Pinterest , let me just say , what are you waiting for ?
It has become my new obsession ( like I needed another one ! )
For those of you who do not know what Pinterest is , this is the description on their home page.

Pinterest lets you organize and share all the beautiful things you find on the web. People use pin boards to plan their weddings, decorate their homes, and organize their favorite recipes.
Best of all, you can browse pin boards created by other people. Browsing pin boards is a fun way to discover new things and get inspiration from people who share your interests. To get started, request an invite.

Soooo.... Here's my Halloween Party Board

Halloween party ideas
Cute and Healthy

Halloween party foods
Love the Candy Corn veggie arrangement !

for a halloween party.
Presentation is EVERYTHING !

Halloween Party!
Munchies are a MUST !

Halloween Party Cupcakes
It would be UNHEARD of for the Cupcake Queen not to have cupcakes !
LOVE the spiderweb design !

OK, I could go on and on about this topic ! But I have narrowed it down to two.
halloween party drink!
Again with the presentation....

Halloween party drink.
Yum !
Blood Orange ( fitting huh? ) Margaritas


This is how I'm going to decorate my dining room.
Halloween Dinner Party
Yea, RIGHT ! But it IS cool right ?

Halloween party tables
This is more like what I can pull off . Minus the really cool wallpaper of course.

Easy Peasy centerpiece
halloween party

My outdoor decorations...
Halloween party
I wish....
#1 The Trailerhood does NOT have an awesome porch or a porch at all for that matter.

LOVE this !
Mine is more like this.

And this

I'll post more on the Halloween Party at the Trailerhood  AFTER  the big event.

And my last pin to share ~

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