Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Spookified Moon Garden

This past weekend I "spookified" my Moon Garden.
It was definitely past it's prime , no longer the lush garden you saw here.
My family thought I was crazy.
Well, they think that most of the time.
You see , my Moon Garden is in the back of my house , where it is rarely seen by anyone but me.
That has never stopped me from decorating before, and it didn't this time.
It's like my Secret Garden and I like it that way!
It is Halloween after all !

When I told Em that I was making ghosties , she said " you're not going to make those weird ghosts that hold hands in a circle are you ?" , and I said , " well yes I am."
And I did.
And I kinda like them.

My Moon Man

I wanted some white pumpkins , but # 1 - I couldn't find any locally and #2- I was too cheap to buy them even if I could've found them. Sooo, white spray paint to the rescue!

I filled my rhubarb leaf bird bath with another white spray painted pumpkin and some silver spray painted mini pumpkins.

There you have it .....

My "Spookified" Moon Garden !

Now for Pinteresting Wednesday.....
I know , YESTERDAY was Wednesday, but Pinterest wouldn't connect for me last night....

WAY cooler than my ghost in the garden !

A close up. Chicken wire . Cool huh?

Fun idea , but do you think they would scare my birds?

Ghosts and white pumpkins .... just like mine right ?
Maybe I'll add some grave stones next year !

Linking this post to :
The Vintage Apple

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