Sunday, October 2, 2011

October ? ..... Already?

What a busy weekend ! It was SO full of fun, family stuff , the very best kind of busy !
We only have a few weekends left at the trailer and we are trying to squeeze a lot of family time into these next few weekends. This weekend was the Turkey River Run , no, I do not run , but my niece Spencer and her husband Johnny and my nephew Ian have ran it for the last two years. It's a cross country , 5 mile run . And by cross country , I mean through fields , down ravines and through the river ( 5 times). They have fun running it and I have fun watching for them at the finish line ! Poor Spencer was so disappointed , she was second in her age division ( she got beat by 1 min. ). But there is always next year !
Spencer and Johnny. LOVE them !

That afternoon , we all went to the apple orchard in PrarieDuChein. We love that orchard and usually make a few trips there each fall. This one was the best ever. My son, Dan and daughter-in-law, Sarah came along with my grand daughter ( you have all been introduced to Addie already). My youngest daughter  Emily and her guy Ryan came along too.  Add in Spencer and Johnny and friends Will and Heather and we had quite a crew! We ate at one of our favorite places along the river.  It looks like a dive on the outside , but the food is outstanding and the service is excellent.
Auntie Em ( or My , as Addie calls her ) entertaining Addie and trying to get her to smile for Grandma .

Then on to the orchard , of which I have NO pictures ! This forgetful Grandma left her camera in the car. We do have plenty of pictures though because Addie's Mommy ALWAYS has her camera, I just have to wait for her to get me some. We had a great time. Addie LOVED the petting zoo . She called the llama a giraffe but ...close enough !  We picked apples. We ate apples.  We picked raspberries. We looked at the pumpkins, but Addie and I had already gotten enough for me ( see previous post ).
 When we got back to the trailer , Addie picked out a mini pumpkin to take home. My BFF and neighbor Shari was very generous and left a pile of them on my patio table.

Not sure what the two of them are laughing about .....

STILL won't look at the camera!

Today on our way home we stopped to look at hubby's new project. He bought a house to flip and really has his work cut out for him. The house belonged to a hoarder ( I am so NOT joking ) and it is FULL of stuff ! He has brought me some pretty good junk , but he has had to clean  out an awful lot of trash too. When he first looked at the house, I couldn't even go in , the smell was that bad ! Emily was braver than me , she looked at it with him, but he has come a long way in just a couple weeks ! He is much braver than I !

Here is some of the treasures he brought me put to use .

What to do with a 1970"s wrought iron candle sconce , why add mini pumpkins , of course!

Not just one, but two !

I also brought home some awesome fabric ( old drapes ) that I can NOT wait to use. However a good cleaning is need first. The kids all found something to take home too, but it's just the tip of the iceberg. He hasn't even gotten to the second floor!

Stayed tuned for more " flip house junk" redo's !

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