Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Vintage Christmas - Part II

I haven't started much Christmas decorating yet .
I never start till after Thanksgiving, although that usually means Thanksgiving night.
Not this year , just can't get motivated.
I've got all the fall decorations put away and one tree half decorated,
but that's about it.

Oh, except for a few outdoor displays.
I don't like to do that when it's cold and it's about to get real cold real soon around here.

That brings me to a word I really like ~
We are big into vocabulary around here ! LOL

Kitch -noun
something of tawdry design, appearance, or content created to appeal to popular or undiscriminating taste.
Or in other words , tacky.
Now some will and do think plastic lawn ornaments are tacky,
and I agree some are.
However I think it's all in how you display them.
I kinda have a thing for vintage , which you well know if you read my blog at all.
Ok, these are borderline , vintage... but I love them.
Pinterest inspiration ( of course )
Vintage Plastic Christmas
I prefer snowmen.
However I do have one Santa.
I missed out on an awesome santa complete with sleigh and reindeer at the thrift store.
I had already paid and was on my way out when I saw it.
Of course I was running late and thought I would get it next time.
Cause who besides me would want a faded plastic Santa with sleigh and reindeer?
I guess someone did , when I went back it was gone !...sigh
Vintage Christmas snowman
Now my version,
I promise, someday I WILL learn to take good pictures.
I meant to get a picture of it lit up at night.
Didn't happen....
I got these little guys at the thrift store for $2 each!

Lit up.
I really love it.

So what do you think ?
Kitsch or tacky?
Love or hate ?

Leave me a comment...
I WILL get started on those trees tomorrow ...

Linking up to these fabulous blogs :

Debbiedoo's blogging and blabbing

Created By Chelle


  1. I love all your little snowmen - so cute. I've started to collect kitchy little santas from the thrift shop this year for christmas. Pintrest is so addictive isn't it!

  2. Another word for the kitchy 50's holiday items, retro or mid-century! What is old is new again, Laura

  3. Love your vintage Christmas decor. I looked this year for some cute vintage ornaments but came up with nothing I really liked. Thanks for sharing your cool Christmas decor.

  4. Kitchy, yes and I LOVE them. They are so cute and bring back childhood memories.


  5. Hi Dawn! I found your blog via the facebook thread posted by youtalktoomuch. I'm happy to be your newest follower =)

  6. Kitchy is cool and thrifty is nifty! You are my type of gal. So glad I found you from youaretalkingtoomuch on FB. Following you for sure! My parents were both from small towns in IA and I still have family in the Storm Lake/ Alta area.

  7. Hi! I found you through Facebook.....going to follow you & then poke around your blog :)

    Katie - http://sweetgirlexpressions.blogspot.com
