Thursday, December 22, 2011

My Favorite Things ...Parts IIII & IV

One of my favorite Christmas songs is "My Favorite Things"
Who can forget Julie Andrews in The Sound Of Music?
Although my favorite rendition has always been country singer Lorrie Morgan's.

As we are winding down to the last few days before Christmas , I am reflecting on some of my favorite things.
So I decided I would do posts this week on things that bring a smile to my face .
I hope they make you smile too.

Favorite Thing Part IIII & IV
This post has a long title.
Favorite Things Part IIII & IV AND
Wordless ( ALMOST ) Wednesday ( A DAY LATE )

Almost Wordless , cause it is impossible for me not to talk ( even writing)
And a day late , cause I was just pooped last night !
And here is why .

Favorite Thing IN *THE*WORLD ~ My Girls
(well, three of them at least )

Favorite Thing IV
Christmas Cookies
Don't make them , they are too much work.
Thanks God I have a daughter-in-law that does make them !
But she's kinda fussy.
So I stayed out of the way.
Addie loved helping though.
She said , " I big helper! "
And she was !

She was COVERED with flour and sugar by the time we were done.
The flour on her face wasn't her fault , it was her Mom's.

I couldn't get her to look at me for anything ! :(

We didn't just make cookies.
When I say "we" , I use the term loosely.
I was there , but I stayed out of their way.
I got the cookies too golden brown for Sarah.
And I didn't move fast enough for Emily.

Emily has a thing for Almond Bark Pretzels.

Sarah also wouldn't let us frost the cookies last night.
She said we had to wait till today.
So no pictures of the finished masterpieces.
But I'm sure they will be PERFECT !

But my most favoritist thing in the whole wide world is spending time with my girls !

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Thats my plan