Sunday, January 1, 2012

Goals for 2012

I don't do goals.
I'm very bad that way.
I am also VERY unorganized.
And a procrastinator.
And a bit lazy.
Generally I'm OK with this.
But since I started blogging ( which I really enjoy), I've had some real time management issues.
So I got to thinking,
what if I TRIED to set some goals,
what if I TRIED to be more organized.
could that possibly help ?
I'm sure it couldn't hurt.
I have some wonderfully organized friends.
One of them , Rhonda has sent me diffrent links and blogs to check out in a futile attempt to help me organize.
She shared this link from
It's a 12 month calender with simple daily activities to keep your home clean and organized.
Sounded like a good idea.
Have I printed it out?
Will I ?
Maybe...probably...YES !

Then I was reading a blog I just started following recently, AskAnna , and she has a 14 day challenge to get clean and organized.
I decided to join.
I love a challenge.

Not that my house is that messy,
I would just rather decorate.
My closets are terribly unorganized ,
as are my kitchen cupboards.

Goal # 1~ Get closets and cupboards clean and organized.

Also since starting to blog, I haven't read as much.
I am an avid reader.
I LOVE my Kindle.
I usually read a couple of books a week.
Not lately.
Goal #2~ Read 2 books a month.
This one shouldn't be hard but I am going to have to  practice that time management thing !
I read for pleasure and entertainment.
I don't like to read serious stuff or self-help ( Heaven forbid!)
I like books with quirky characters.
Some of my favorite authors ~
Rosamund Piltcher, author of the classic The Shell Seekers (which I highly recommend) and my favorite Winter Solstice ( which I read EVERY December). She hasn't written anything for a while, but I love her style and interesting characters.
Janet Evanovich, author of the Stephanie Plum series. You don't get much quirkier than Stephanie's family , friends and felons. ( She is a bounty hunter, just not a good one) If you literally want to Laugh Out Loud, read a Stephanie Plum book! I've read them all, except the last one and I will be starting Explosive Eighteen next week!
Sarah Addison Allen , I first discovered Sarah a couple years ago her first book Garden Spells had me and I've read EVERYTHING she has written.  Her books always have quirky families and a mystical, magical quality I love.
 Sarah survived a battle with breast cancer this year but still released a new book , The Peach Keeper.

And my last goal ( 3 is pretty good for a non-goal person right?)
Goal #3 ~Stay healthy
I've been VERY lazy the last couple months.
I usually get that way in the winter, but we've had lovely winter so I can't really blame that.
I still exercise but not as much as I should.
I still eat right , just too much.
Time to get back on track,
I've put some weight back on and it's time to get it under control before it gets out of control!
I've never needed to be skinny but my overall health is very important to me.
My family has a lot of health issues I do not want to inherit!

So there you have it.
3 goals for 2012.
From the most non-goal girl you will ever meet!

Are you a goals or non-goal person like me ?

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