Friday, January 20, 2012

Homemade Hand Lotion

This was supposed to be my (Almost) Wordless Wednesday with Addie post.
But that didn't happen..... for a couple of reasons.

At Christmas , my beautiful niece Spencer ( I've bragged about her here) made some homemade hand lotion.
I loved it !
She told me how she made it ( in my family we are not known for having EXACT recipes).
We just kinda dump....
Well , I used  what she had given me and decided to make my own.

Reason #1 this project didn't happen on Wednesday with Addie ~
She LOVES lotion.
I mean REALLY loves lotion!

*Flashback *

Remember when I was working on the flowers for my nephews wedding ?
(If not you can get reminded here.)
 I was really stressed out ( cause I'm crazy like that )
 I had to get Addie ready for rehearsal ( flowergirl incident).
 I had the flowers  loaded in the car.
 I had her all dressed in her pretty clothes her Mommy had packed for her.
 And I was finally trying to get myself presentable.
 I had totally under estimated the amount of time it took to get one little flowergirl and one Grandma ready.
And of course I didn't know what to wear ....
 I looked up and ...
I said, " Addie where are you ?"
I hear her little voice on the floor beside my bed , " I over here."
I look over and she has my lotion open and ALL*OVER*HER*FACE* !
Looking back , I wish I had gotten a picture.
 At the time I was just trying to get her to the bathroom before it got all over her clothes!

So I kinda chickened out when it came to having Addie's assistance with the homemade lotion.

Ok, back to the project.
Here are the basic ingredients Spencer used ( and I did too )

Cocoa Butter
Olive oil
Vitamin E oil
Aloe Vera Oil

Spencer infused the olive oil with tea . I'm not sure what kind , but it had an awesome fragrance.
I had some essential oils , so I decided to use them for fragrance.

I used tree containers of Cocoa Butter ( from Dollar Gen)
About 1/4 cup olive oil
About 2 ounces Vitamin E Oil ( Dollar Gen again )
About 1 ounce aloe vera oil
I used too much oil .

It will be great for my super dry legs and arms , but it is too oily for me to use regularly on my hands.
Some people would like it.
I've read blogs ( looking for specific recipes ) where people recommend using straight olive oil on your hands.
That's not for me.
Plus I don't think mine smells nearly as good as Spencer's.
I used some lemon , lavender and a tiny bit of patchouli oil, but it still smells like cocoa butter and I don't really care for it.

But I will use it and maybe try again.
I packaged it back up in the empty cocoa butter jars.
 And added some cute labels, that I found here for free.

Now ...
 Reason #2 for not posting on Wednesday.
My little princess has learned a new thing ~ pouting !
I couldn't quite believe it.
Twice she got mad .
Once at Papa and once at My and she went into the kitchen , put her head down and said , " I poutin'."
That was a new one ...

She still won't let me take her picture either.
She hears my camera come on and she refuses to look at me.
These are the best I could get.

She's smiling , but she still won't look at me ...

Got her !

Happy Wednesday Friday !

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