Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sunday's project

I know I haven't shown you many projects lately.
#1 - I've been lazy.
#2 - I've been more into decorating than DIYing.

But we have had such fantastic weather for January that I finally felt energized.
Plus being home helped a little too.

Last weekend Emily and I did some shopping.
We spent most of our time in Hobby Lobby.
She had taken down her Christmas mantle and wanted something more "everyday-ish".
We didn't really know what we were looking for , but as so often happens in HobLob,
inspiration HIT !

At the end of an isle, they had what looked like canvas' but were cloth.
I asked the lady working how they made them and she directed us to "canvas stretching frames"

Maybe you already know about these.
It was a new discovery for me.
They come in individual pieces so you can make any size frame you want.
The ones we bought were anywhere from .89 to $1.69.
Anyway a 14x24 frame for around $6 !
Bargain !

They are grooved so they literally just slide together !

Next we looked for fabric.
We found the perfect piece in the clearance bin for $5 a yard.
We only needed a half yard.

I cut the fabric , leaving and inch or so for stapling.
(maybe less, who measures?)
The frames are a soft pine which made stapling really easy .

Finished  frames.

LOVE these!
Cheap way to add texture
and FUN!

The new mantle.

I had had these candle sticks at the store for quite awhile and they hadn't sold.
That's OK , I like them on Em's mantle.
We also reused her bead garland, which I love.
And antlers too.
She has just a bit of her Mama in her :)

She had this gorgeous vase too.
It was a consignment piece from my store, ReStyle.
I knew she would love it when it was brought in,
I text her a picture and she text back , "YES!"
I'm not completely thrilled with the star color and I think we need something with a little height behind the antlers, but it's a start...

I finished a few other projects that I started long ago .
I'll be sharing those soon.

Joining these linky parties:
Check out the awesomeness!


you are talking too much


  1. Fantastic job!~ Thanks for sharing with my newbie party.

  2. These look great. What a wonderful way to update any wall or mantel. I found you over at Debbiedoos Newbie Party. I am your newest follower. Feel free to swing by anytime. Again, Great job!!

  3. Saw you at the Newbie Party. These are nice. Like your blog. I am your newest follower.

  4. Awesome project! Great find too! I have a Wed. linky party, I would love for you to share this at!! I hope to see you there!

  5. It looks great! What a nice touch that added.

  6. What a great project it looks great. Thanks for linking up to So Very Creative. I featured this today, make sure to stop by and grab a button!

  7. What a fun project. I didn't know about these frames, so thank you. And thanks for stopping by & leaving a sweet comment on my blog. I have a great clock giveaway going on right now, if you want to pop by & enter!

    Warmly, Michelle

  8. Your artwork is so nice and you make it look so easy. Thanks for sharing.

  9. They look great for such an easy, inexpensive project. I didn't know about the frames either. Great way to update any room you could use it in. Thanks for sharing your inspiration at Sunday's Best!
