Friday, January 13, 2012

Welcome Winter....

Welcome Winter...
yeah, right...
Well, it's my fault.
I bragged once too often about the great weather we were having.
As the Hubby said ..
All good things must come to an end.

Last  Saturday we had temps in the high40's , low 50"s.
I took advantage of the weather and brought in the Christmas decorations.
No more lights, garland or kitchy snowmen.
But my wreath still looked so fresh and green that I couldn't throw it out.
Sooo.... I took off the Christmas ribbon and tied a piece of burlap around it and made a bow.
I used the burlap to attach the wreath to my chippy chair.

And here we are ...
a few days later.

*SIGH* again...

Oh well... I live in Iowa.
It's to be expected.
We had a fabulous run of great weather and I loved it.

So Welcome Winter...

.luv this pic

Pinned Image






There is defiantly beauty in Winter.
Most of the time though, I feel more like this ~


 And this ~

How do you feel ?
Are you like me and want to hibernate and wake up in spring ?
 Do you enjoy the cold and snow and beauty of winter ?

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  1. Hey Dawn - I managed to join, and now apparently my picture is going to be an exclamation point!!!

  2. Now you have a beautiful snowy wreath! Loving all the pics!

  3. I am so sick of summer over here as it has been hot, humid and this week it has not stopped raining! Bring on the winter over here in Australia!

    Thanks so much for linking up to my weekly Pinterest party-I'm so happy you joined in!

    Best wishes for a great week,
    Natasha @ 5 Minutes Just for Me
