Friday, February 3, 2012

Oh How Pinteresting.... thanks for the motivation

Why is it when you are trying to lose weight,
 and I mean REALLY trying ,
 not just thinking about,
all you want is what you know you can't have ?

The middle of March we are going on a little vacation to New Orleans !
I've never been to the Big Easy, but it's on my "bucket list".

This has motivated me to lose the weight I've put back on the last couple (4) years.

5 years ago , I lost approximately 40 pounds.
I am short ( I mean really short ) and 40 pounds is a LOT !
I was quite the pumpkin head.

My parents have a lot of health issues.
 Sis and I were determined not to have that be our future.
Plus the fact that we weren't getting any younger.
We joined Weight Watchers and Curves , and dieted and worked our way to being much healthier.

These are both great programs and I completely believe in them !
I believe in them so much , that I actually own a Curves
 ( and a second hand home decor store, in the same building , go figure )

Over the last 4 years, as is bound to happen when you like food,
 ( and wine and cocktails and cupcakes and .....)
I have put some of my weight back on.
Nothing, of course, like it was .
 Because I do eat well ( just too much ) and I do exercise ( thank God or it would all be back).

Soooo.... anyway...
I have 13 pounds to lose ( 15 would be better, but my goal is 13 )
Week 1 , I'm down 3.
If you've ever lost weight , you know it's all about baby steps.


Back to my first statement.
Why is it when you are trying to lose weight do you want everything you know you can't have?

Like these
Crockpot Brownies ... are you kidding me ?!!

crock pot 5 layer brownie recipe

Strawberry Lemonade Cupcakes ~ yes please...
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Molten Marshmallows Chocolate Cupcakes ~ Good Lord !
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The Sarasota ~ delish !
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Blood Orange Margaritas ~ Beautiful and Tasty !
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Yep , I want them all and multiples please.

However , I did find SOME encouragement and motivation on Pinterest also.

spinach smoothie
This one also lead to me an awesome blog.

Side note : don't you love how a "pin" can lead you to the most awesome blogs? Always trace your pins back to their origins. Then the right people get credit and you may find some wonderful sources!

Iowa Girl Eats promises this tastes nothing like spinach.
Although , I really like spinach.
At least fresh spinach
or better yet Spinach and Artichoke Dip.. .. bad..bad..bad
 I think this might make a really good breakfast this summer at the camper.

Love the color combo! 
Coral&Grey; <3
I really like these shorts !

Eat for the body..

Blood Orange Margaritas ~ Beautiful and Tasty !
Mason Jar Salads

good nutrition

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It's time....

Linking to :
Show and Tell Friday@ My Romantic Home
Feathered Nest Friday @ French Country Cottage
Inspiration Friday@ At the Picket Fence
Pinning and Singing on the Weekend@ 5 Minutes Just for Me
Potpourri Friday @ 2805
Fabulous Friday @ Faith,Trust and Pixie Dust
Weekend Bloggy Reading : Link Up @ Serenity Now
Tutu's and Teaparties : A Pinteresting Party @
Sunday Showcase Party @ Under the Table and Dreaming
Sunday's Best @ My 1929 Charmer
More the Merrier Monday@DIY Home Sweet Home
So Very Creative Party Time @ So Creative
Meet Me Monday @ You're Talking Too Much
Amaze Me Monday @ DittleDattle
What's in the GunnySack@The Gunny Sack
Meet Me Monday @ You're Talking Too Much
Newbie Party @ DebbieDoos
Metamorphosis Monday @ Between Naps on the Porch
Make the Scene Monday @ Alderberry Hill

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  1. You go girl! I'm trying to lose some too! I started swimming again...but have to stick to it! Eating out of new Looneyspoons cookbook! Goal is to go from cover to cover and try everything in it! All nutritious, low fat recipes. Good luck...I'm rootin' for yah! xo

  2. I struggle the same way! Everything looks incredible! I could kill for those Molten Marshmallow Cupcakes!

  3. Pinterest annoys me because right next to each other are happy desserts and flat abs......THOSE don't go together. ENJOY YOUR BLOG!

  4. Losing weight is a struggle! I am trying, I am trying! Good luck!

  5. I'm on the same journey too! Pinterest is great for so many things..but the temptations are frustrating! LOL Good luck with the rest of your weight loss journey :)

  6. Saw your post at Debbiedoo's Newbie Party. I agree that Pinterest is a great motivator and a way to find some really awesome blogs. I always go back to the source of my pins. Good luck with your weight loss and hope your trip is wonderful.

  7. Thanks for this post, I needed some inspiration, I've been playing with my diet, and I need to get serious. I found a great site which has great recipes, so try it out I made so many and are sOOO good, you'll feel like your cheating but aren't! I have no affiliation with them, just sharing a great site I found. Good luck! Thanks so much for sharing your creative inspiration at Sunday's Best Par.tay! PS - now following you on Linky!

  8. Pinterest inspires me to lose weight one minute and crave desserts the next! Just stopping by from the Linky Party Hop. I hope you will visit and follow back.


  9. Thanks so much for joining in with my Pinterest party! I am so glad you shared these great pins. I needed some motivation this week!

    Best wishes,
    Natasha @ Five Minutes for Me
