Sunday, February 19, 2012

Run , Forrest, Run

I have been going back and forth this week about whether to blog about this or not.
I guess, I have decided I will .

On one hand , I wasn't sure I wanted to share.
You know how sometimes you want to do something,
but you're afraid if you tell people and fail , what they will think?

On the other hand , I knew I needed the accountability of "putting it out there."
You know,the whole ,  " it's not a goal till you write it down or share it with someone " thing.
Heard that before?
Uh huh, well, it doesn't make it any easier.

I have a secret.
Ready ?

This week I started the Couch to 5K program.
Heard of it ?
If not, you can check it out HERE.

Now , don't get me wrong.
I am NOT a couch potato.
I own a Curves and workout 3 times a week , plus Zumba once a week.
But let me tell you something,
RUNNING ( or in my case JOGGING ) is a COMPLETELY different story !
I have great muscle tone in my legs ( not bragging, just a fact , and I have worked hard to get it ),
but I was concerned because #1 , I have NEVER been a runner , EVER.
I was more like,
Pinned Image

and because #2 - I am no spring chica.
Being on the upside of 46 ( YIKES ), was it too late for me to give this running thing a try ?
Would my old knees whine?
Would I all of a sudden develop Plantar Fasciitis ( feet problems for those of you who don't know someone with it, but I think everyone knows someone that has it , and it hurts ! ) ?
And I have bad hips, how would they be able to take it ?
All good questions, but also just excuses to keep me from trying.
One of my biggest pet peeves ( and  believe me I have a lot ! ) is excuses.
When it comes to excuses not to exercise ,
some days.....
So I talked to people I love and trust that run.
Spencer ( my beautiful niece you have read about many times ) said when she ran her first marathon there was a 60-70ish ( I don't remember , older than me anyway ) year old man that ran with her and he didn't start running till he was 50. ( I'm  not quite there yet either ).
She thought I could and should do it.

My niece Cindy , suggested the Couch to 5K program.
Cindy is the life partner of my niece Tisha.
They are both in their 40's , both run , have both had running injuries, but have NOT given up.
I admire them for so many reasons

I googled Couch to 5K.
And I finished my first week.
3 - 30 minute walk/jogs.

I'm not going to tell you it was easy.
It was not.
But each time I wanted to stop , I made myself go a little farther.
And I finished each step.
The first day , I did 30 minutes of yoga afterward.
I was so afraid if I didn't really stretch out my old muscles, they would cease up.
And let me tell you , my quads WERE * KILLING * ME.
That was Wednesday.
Another reason , I think they hurt so bad is I ran laps in our yard.
Uneven surface , probably not a good choice for my first walk/jog.
We have a HUGE yard and I didn't want anyone to see me.
Can you say INSECURE ?

Second walk/jog was on Friday.
Quads were still sore and I wasn't sure how it would go.
I was determined pain  would not be an excuse to stop !
This time I decided to run the driveway, it is also really long and a much more even surface.
 Once I got started - they actually felt BETTER !
Go figure.

Third walk/jog this morning.
For some reason it was harder today.
I have no idea why.
But I will have a few days to figure it out.

My C25K schedule is Wednesday, Friday, Sunday.
They suggest resting days in between , and trust me , I need them.

Does this mean I will stick to it?
Not nessecarily.
I sure hope so.
But now that I have shared it, I know I'm accountable.

Has anyone out there done the Couch to 5K program ?
I would really love to hear from you if you have.

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  1. GOOD FOR YOU! I am such a unmotivated exerciser! I wish I could do it, but I think I would need someone chasing me with baseball bat, in order to complete anything! LOL...

  2. I know you're going to do well on your new routine. Sounds fantastic!

  3. I wish I had taken up running before I was 50. I am following you with Linky would you follow back. pat

  4. now you are committed!! good for you!! and good luck!!

  5. My daughter and her college friend are doing couch to a 5K. I'll have to check this out.

    Nice blog you have! I'm so glad I visited. I'm following you back on both GFC and Linky Followers!


    PS Have a wonderful day!
