Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Easy Peasy Spring Wreath

Today was a good/bad sort of day.
The bad ~ no Addie today.
Her Mommy had the day off and she wanted to spend the day with her.
I can't blame her , she works a lot and doesn't get a lot of extra time with Addie.
But bummer for me ...

The good ~ since I wasn't entertaining a two year old ,
and it was a beautiful day,
I got a bunch of projects done.
One for me and THREE ( yes three ) for the store !

Today I'm sharing the one I made for me.
I'll share the others, I promise ~later.
I wanted to make a Spring wreath for the entry.
(Mostly cause there was some linky parties I wanted to participate in.)
But I had no inspiration.
I wanted something different.
So where did I go for inspiration ?
You guessed it ...

But I don't have a pin to show you ,
mine is kind of a combo of some I found.
Here what I came up with ~
Kinda cute huh?

This is what I started with ~
A straw wreath
 ( I picked up a bunch of these a while back at the thrift store for 50 cents each ! )
Some felt flowers I made too many of a while ago.
Straight pins

First I cut my fabric into strips
Now you may or may not have caught on to this by now ,
I don't do ANYTHING exactly.
This is why I will never be a quilter.
So don't ask what size the strips are ~ K , K...
I can tell you this ,
I used one fat quarter .
Funny I know what a fat quarter is , right ?
I don't even own a sewing machine.
But fat quarters work perfectly for chair seats .
Perfect size .
Plus my store is right next to the most fabulous quilt shop...
Oops, got a little off track there.
If I had to guess , maybe 2 inch strips .
They weren't all the same and and it really doesn't matter.

Pin the first strip to the back of the straw wreath.
Continue to wrap the fabric strips around the wreath so the straw is covered.
When one strip is done , pin the next one on .
I used two pins each time.
Should of gotten a picture of that ... Oops
I'm not much good at this tutorial stuff...Sorry
But it's really easy... Promise

I pinned on the felt flowers.
Did I mention I didn't use any glue ?
Only pins ...loved it !
No burned fingers :)
Plus , it made it really easy to move them around when I didn't like the placement.

I used the last strip of fabric to make a loop at the top to hang it.
Again , just fold it over and pin it underneth.
I didn't quite like the way that looked.
It didn't look finished to me.
I took some yarn ,
made a bunch of loops ,
cut another peice of yarn and tied it through the middle of the loops to make a bow.
Then , I tied the bow to the strip that was pinned to the wreath.
A much more finished look.

My finished wreath.
It took me less than 30 minutes to complete.
I'm happy with it .

Easy Peasy !

I'm linking this post to these linky parties~
Newbie Party Reunion @ DebbieDoos
Show Off Your Stuff @ Fireflies and Jellybeans
Primp Your Stuff Wednesday @ Primp
Your Whims Wednesday @ My Girlish Whims
Good Life Wednesday @ A Beach Cottage
Rock & Share @ The Shady Porch(a pinterest party)
Tablescape Thrursday@ Beteen Naps on the Porch
Thursdays are Your Days @ 52 Mantles
Show and Tell Friday@ My Romantic Home
Feathered Nest Friday @ French Country Cottage
Inspiration Friday@ At the Picket Fence
Pinning and Singing on the Weekend@ 5 Minutes Just for Me
Potpourri Friday @ 2805
Fabulous Friday @ Faith,Trust and Pixie Dust
Weekend Bloggy Reading : Link Up @ Serenity Now
Fridays Unfolded @ Stuff and Nonsense
Shine on Friday @ Happy-Go-Lucky
Saturday Nite Special @ Funky Junk Interiors
A Pinteresting Link Party @ Here's to Handy Andy
Tutu's and Teaparties : A Pinteresting Party @
Just a Party with My Peeps @ How to Nest for Less
It's a Cinch @ The Space Between

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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

For the Love of NOLA

Well  friends , I am back from the Big Easy.
And I must say , it was everything I expected and a little more.
There were a few things I wanted to do but didn't.
 ( ran out of time and the weather did not cooperate on our last day )
I did not get to say hello to Marie Laveau ( which was just fine with the guys )
and I did not get to tour a plantation.
Maybe next time.

Here are things I did do and my top 6 loves of New Orleans.
# 1 - Shotgun Houses

I instantly fell in love with the little Shotgun Houses.
The were vividly colored ( hard to tell from some of my photos ),
had cute little porches, and some had intricate detail ( notice the iron work on the one at top left).
The pink one in the lower right hand corner is an example of a " Double Shotgun" house.
Shotgun houses are long and narrow, and  a lot of them open right to the sidewalk with very little front yard.
They get their name from the fact that if you open the front door and the back door you can fire a shotgun straight through without damaging any walls.
#2 Courtyards and Balconies
Many homes in the French quarter are built very closely together.
And with the sub tropic climate, people needed cool places to relax.
The top six pictures are the courtyard of the Chateau Hotel  where we stayed.
The Chateau was once an elegant New Orleans home.
The picture middle row , far right shows the covered bar in front of the reconstructed slave quarters.
Our room was in what originally was the stable and the stairway to it was in the grain silo !
As I am a bit of a flower and plant nut , I fell in love with the balconies.
The two pictured were across from our hotel.
The courtyard on the bottom right was behind a gate in the Garden District.

Which brings me to # 3 - the Garden District

The Garden District is a historic neighborhood in New Orleans known more for the beautiful architecture and mansions than for the gardens , although the gardens are beautiful also.
We walked our rears off this day !
That is the best way to see and appreciate the Garden District.

#4 - The Cemeteries

Here's a weird fact about me you may not know ( or want to ),
I love cemeteries.
Weird but true.
And the older , the better.
All the stories of all the people behind those stones...
New Orleans cemeteries are a completely different story.
Because New Orleans is below sea level , the  heavy rains would cause the dearly departed to reappear, they developed the crypt system.
Crypts are generally owned by the same family for generations.
We saw some crypts with up to 25 family members inside.
How can this be you ask?
Well, because of the sub tropic climate in New Orleans , the crypts act as sort of a natural crematorium.
Within one year the body will have turned to ash and there is room for the next one.
Which works great as long as you don't loose more than 2 family members in a year.
( that's all there is room for )
I found this whole systems fascinating, hope it didn't gross anyone out :)

# 5 - Beads and Bourbon Street

First, let me say , I have never experienced anything quite like Bourbon Street IN*MY*LIFE!
Crazy doesn't even come close.
Smelly, yes.
But colorful and energetic and yet historic.
I loved that we would walk by a bar and a shop and then... there was a residence.
 Then we would see a group of people playing drums on buckets in the street.
Or artists painting in a doorway.
The street performers were an odd assortment to say the least !

And what is New Orleans without beads?
They were hanging on balconies, in trees and on power lines.
They don't even bother to get them off !

# 6 - The Food !

One thing I knew I wanted to do while in New Orleans was experience all the tastes and flavors of the city.
Red Beans and Rice, Gumbo , Jumbalya and of course, the seafood.
One of my favorites though was the Muffaletta.

Muffuletta or Muffaletta

It's basically a submarine sandwich on round Italian bread.
What makes the muffuletta special is this

the Olive Salad.
The meat and cheese it topped with this fabulous combination of olives,capers, gardiniera ( which is a combo of pickled cauliflower, carrots , celery and pepperoncini), onions and spices marinated in olive oil.
I brought back the jar from the Central Grocery ( who are famous for their muffulettas).
I must say I am addicted to it.
I haven't attempted to make a muffuletta yet , but the Olive Salad is also great with whole wheat pasta!
I have found several recipes for the famous Olive Salad, when I get the right one , I will post it :)

I fell in love with this city ( the Hubs , not so much ).
I knew I would.
I'm hoping to return - someday ....

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Friday, March 16, 2012

Finally , a Completed Pinterest Project

Ever have one of those days where absolutely nothing goes as planned?
Of course you have , everyone has.
And I had one today.

We are leaving tomorrow for a trip to New Orleans ( super excited about that ! ).
As you can imagine, I had tons of things to get done.
Including laundry.
The dryer quit.
Then Hubs broke the water line to the washer.
Not a good start to a busy day.

But it all turned out fine.
We had a spare dryer ( whole other story ),
 Hubs fixed the plumbing ( he is very handy ),
the laundry got done !

I haven't even begun to pack , but my house is clean.
I like to come home from a trip to a clean house.

Anyway , it was another gorgeous day day here in the trailerhood.
80 degrees again !
I'm hoping Mother Nature isn't just messing with us.
It made me ambitious to do a project.

A while back I had pinned this project

Pinned Image

and I have been wanting to create my own.
Well, a friend brought this into the store a few weeks ago

and the only thing I could think of is this would be so much better as a chalkboard !
Out came the chalkboard paint.
first coat
It only took two.
If I use chalkboard paint on metal or glass I give it a least 3 but usually 4 coats.

Remember that garbage bag of wine corks ?
Well they came out again too.
I don't know why I didn't take an "in progress" picture !

I am VERY happy with how it turned out.

Here is a close up of the cork pattern.
Fun , huh?

Not sure where I'm going to put it yet.
Just glad it's done and out of my head !

I'm not sure what makes me happier,
the way this turned out or
that I finally created something that I pinned !

Also today...
Grandpa hung Addie's swing for her .
She loves it.
We couldn't find her sunglasses and she hates the sun on her eyes so Grandpa put his hat on her !

How about those boots !

I hope you all enjoyed the beautiful day as much as we did !

Not sure if I will have any posts next week or not.
I'm off to the Big Easy !

Linking to these awesome parties
More the Merrier Monday@DIY Home Sweet Home
So Very Creative Party Time @ So Creative
Meet Me Monday @ You're Talking Too Much
Amaze Me Monday @ DittleDattle
What's in the GunnySack@The Gunny Sack
Meet Me Monday @ You're Talking Too Much
Newbie Party @ DebbieDoos
Metamorphosis Monday @ Between Naps on the Porch
Make the Scene Monday @ Alderberry Hill
Make it Yourself Monday @ An Original Belle
Show Me What You Got Linky Party @ Our Delightful Home
Talent Tuesday @ Vintage Wanna Be
Party Time Tuesday @ Northern Cottage
Trash to Treasure Tuesday @ Sassy Sites
Cowgirl Up Creative Linky Party @ The FarmhousPorch
Show Off Your Stuff @ Fireflies and Jellybeans
Primp Your Stuff Wednesday @ Primp
Your Whims Wednesday @ My Girlish Whims
Good Life Wednesday @ A Beach Cottage
Rock & Share @ The Shady Porch(a pinterest party)

Show and Tell Friday@ My Romantic Home
Feathered Nest Friday @ French Country Cottage
Inspiration Friday@ At the Picket Fence
Pinning and Singing on the Weekend@ 5 Minutes Just for Me
Potpourri Friday @ 2805
Fabulous Friday @ Faith,Trust and Pixie Dust
Weekend Bloggy Reading : Link Up @ Serenity Now
Fridays Unfolded @ Stuff and Nonsense
A Pinteresting Link Party @ Here's to Handy Andy
Tutu's and Teaparties : A Pinteresting Party @
Shine on Friday @ Happy-Go-Lucky
Saturday Nite Special @ Funky Junk Interiors
Show me what you got @ Our Delightful Home

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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wednesday with Addie.... and a few "Pins".

We had a beautiful day here in the Trailerhood.
Close to 80 degrees, that's 30 degrees above normal.
I'm not complaining, I'm loving every minute of it.

I found some ADORABLE boots for Addie today.
I bought her some last week at the farm store but they were too big.
I was going to return them and get a smaller size,
but then I found these on clearance and decided I would keep the others too.
She'll grow into them eventually.

How cute are these ?
Now I don't have to worry about her shoes getting ruined at Grandma's house.

We spent most of our day outside.
Notice her "new" sippy cup.
She found this honey bear in my cupboard ( I have no idea what I was saving it for).
She said " A NEW sippy!"
Whatever... it made her happy.
She most have opened and closed it 100 times !

She loves Tippy too.

Neither one of them would look at me ...

Eyes closed.....SIGH....

Someone thinks they are pretty special, huh ?

I started a new Pinterest board , I call "For Addie".
( Like 31 Pin boards weren't enough, right? )
Here are a few of the "pins".

Pinned Image
I love this idea from
Starting at age 3 , every year ask them the same 20 questions.
Then make a book out of it and see how their answers change.

pipecleaners and strainer for busy time.
A great "busy time" activity from

You WILL see a picture like this on my blog someday !
I love it , plus I don't have to worry about her not looking at me !

Pinned Image

love this !

Don't you agree ?

You can follow all of my Pinterest Boards ( all 32 of them ) at

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Sunday, March 11, 2012

Spring Welcome....and my Copy Cat Challenge

A while back I "pinned " an idea I really liked for the front step for Spring.

good idea for the chippy chair by the front door

I already have a "chippy chair" and a table.
So I thought , maybe I can pull this off.

Of course , I had to but my own spin on things.

I put my bunny , grapevine and twigs on the table instead of the chair.

I used a clay tile to hold up my faux pussy willows and pink hydrangeas.
Instead of a bowl or basket, I decided to but my bunny in my old crate.

I picked this bunny up last weekend at Kirklands.
I thought he was perfect for this vignette, Em thought he was creepy...

I had to include my "chippy chair".

I picked up this twig wreath with pastel beads at the thrift store.
Then I hot glued various sizes and colors of plastic Easter eggs to it.

Tippy wanted to get in the picture !

That's my Copy Cat....
more if an inspiration really.
But it still gives a Spring Welcome to the Trailerhood.

I joining these fun parties this week , be sure it check them out.

Also linking to these great linky parties
More the Merrier Monday@DIY Home Sweet Home
So Very Creative Party Time @ So Creative
Meet Me Monday @ You're Talking Too Much
Amaze Me Monday @ DittleDattle
What's in the GunnySack@The Gunny Sack
Meet Me Monday @ You're Talking Too Much
Metamorphosis Monday @ Between Naps on the Porch
Make the Scene Monday @ Alderberry Hill
Make it Yourself Monday @ An Original Belle
Show Me What You Got Linky Party @ Our Delightful Home
Talent Tuesday @ Vintage Wanna Be
Party Time Tuesday @ Northern Cottage
Trash to Treasure Tuesday @ Sassy Sites
Cowgirl Up Creative Linky Party @ The FarmhousPorch

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