Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Wednesday with Addie.... and a few "Pins".

We had a beautiful day here in the Trailerhood.
Close to 80 degrees, that's 30 degrees above normal.
I'm not complaining, I'm loving every minute of it.

I found some ADORABLE boots for Addie today.
I bought her some last week at the farm store but they were too big.
I was going to return them and get a smaller size,
but then I found these on clearance and decided I would keep the others too.
She'll grow into them eventually.

How cute are these ?
Now I don't have to worry about her shoes getting ruined at Grandma's house.

We spent most of our day outside.
Notice her "new" sippy cup.
She found this honey bear in my cupboard ( I have no idea what I was saving it for).
She said " A NEW sippy!"
Whatever... it made her happy.
She most have opened and closed it 100 times !

She loves Tippy too.

Neither one of them would look at me ...

Eyes closed.....SIGH....

Someone thinks they are pretty special, huh ?

I started a new Pinterest board , I call "For Addie".
( Like 31 Pin boards weren't enough, right? )
Here are a few of the "pins".

Pinned Image
I love this idea from
Starting at age 3 , every year ask them the same 20 questions.
Then make a book out of it and see how their answers change.

pipecleaners and strainer for busy time.
A great "busy time" activity from

You WILL see a picture like this on my blog someday !
I love it , plus I don't have to worry about her not looking at me !

Pinned Image

love this !

Don't you agree ?

You can follow all of my Pinterest Boards ( all 32 of them ) at

Pin It


  1. Hi there! I'm stopping by from the blog hop. Love the pics of your grand daughter and her cute little boots. I'm your newest follower and would love a follow back :-)
    Take care,

  2. Addie is soooo adorable! Thank you for sharing all the wonderful photos
    I'm you new follower. Hope you can follow me too :D

    Witha @

  3. Good Golly, D! What do ya think of this crazy warm weather???? I'm dying to plant some seeds. Watcha got growing? ~T
