Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Wordless ( almost) Wednesday with Addie .... and daffodils

Today was quite an Addie Day.
I am always in awe of the things that come out of her mouth.
We were at the bank today and she was trying to tell me and the girls working there ( remember , it's a really small town, they all know us ) and we just couldn't get it. You can't bluff her anymore y saying "OK" or "oh really", she knows when you aren't getting it and she gets really frustrated. Because she really does speak very clearly.
What she was telling us about was her Whoopie Cushion ( I know right? but you have to know her Dad ) . I have no idea what brought that up , but it gave the bank girls a chuckle when we finally figured out what she was talking about.
You can check out Addie and her Whoopie Cushion here.

I did a little second hand shopping before I picked Addie up at day care today.
I picked her up a couple pair of jammies and I found a Fisher Price doll house at half price - $3.75!
There was no furniture or people , but I couldn't pass it up .
She has out grown most of the toys we have at our house , so I was thrilled to find it.
Addie has pretty much the same one at home , she calls it her dog house !

She loves to open and close it.

Since we don't have any "people" it became a home for her Sesame Street characters.
Notice Big Bird is going in through the window.

Hello Cookie Monster says Elmo from the patio .

There's Elmo.
It was hilarious to hear her tell Abby to hurry and wash her hands after she went potty !

My Princess is growing up so fast!

We had to wash her new jammies so she could put some on after her bath.
She was super excited about the Sponge Bob ones.
She said , " I LOVE these SO much ! "
Emphasis one those words.
Seriously !

She loved them so much , she let me take her picture while she actually looked at me !
But she insisted My ( Emily ) be in the picture too.

My pretty Princesses.

Lastly, an update on my daffodils from Trader Joe's.

Aren't they opening beautifully?

They are make me feel very "Springy " !

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