Thursday, April 19, 2012

Quote of the Week ( and Word of the Day )

 The word of the day is....
That's how I'm feeling.
Kinda suck...

Ever have one of the days weeks?
Where nothing feels quite right?
Of course you have .
We all do .
 I just need to get a grip.

I remind myself all the time how good my life is.
My children and grand daughter are healthy and happy ( for the most part)

I have a friend who's grand daughter was born February 1st.
She almost didn't make it and has yet to come home from the hospital.

My oldest daughter's good friend from high school has been in ICU for the last two weeks.
He has Cystic Fibrosis.
His younger sister is my youngest daughter's good friend.
Their older brother died a few years ago from CF.
I love this guy.
He is loved by many...


We should all count our blessings right?

But sometimes , it's hard.
Sometimes , I just feel like...
Sometimes they're hard to find!
Or just plain don't want to put them on ....

My friend Elaine owns a fabulous little coffee shop.
Lucky me , it's located right out my back door !
She makes my skinny chai latte just right ( better than Starbucks , seriously)
She also makes the most beautiful cookies.
Works of art really...
 Her sunflowers are my favorite.
My picture doesn't do it justice !

Today she delivered this one to me , along with my skinny chai
( kinda defeated the purpose of the "skinny" chai, huh ? )
That's a CHOCOLATE and FROSTING butterfly !

 Cupcakes make ME happy

She makes cupcakes too.
If you are in my area ( or anywhere even close ) check out Elaine's coffee shop.
It's too good to miss.
And she could really use the business.

That beautiful cookie and my chai helped my funk for all of about 15 minutes.
Trust me , I am NO fun today ...

One a side note :
I was almost run over yesterday by a Red Hat lady , driving a red Cadillac,  running a red light.
True story.
It's just that kind of week...

The only bright spot in my week:
( maybe not the only , but I'm in a funk , remember..)

How cute is she ?
( rhetorical question ... I know she is ADORABLE )
 This child makes my day :)

So now that I've depressed you all,
here is my quote of the week:

"I believe that if life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade... And try to find somebody whose life has given them vodka, and have a party." ~Ron White

Who's with me ?

keep calm

Anyone ???

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  1. i think we all get in a funk sometimes..counting our blessings helps us snap out of it!!
