Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Little Red School Desk

This isn't going to be my typical Wednesday blog post.
No Addie pictures today.
We were together today,
but it was SOOO HOT that we played in the water.
So , why no pictures ?
Well, I don't have a suit for her , so she played in her undies
( at first anyway , then they came off too )
I didn't think nakey Addie pictures were appropriate.
You will just have to wait till next Wednesday to see more pictures of my beautifu grand daughter :)

I do , however , have a project to share with you.
Don't get too excited though.
I have terrible pictures.
Maybe that I no longer have my store ,
I can take a class or something ....

Anyway ....
I bought this little desk at a garage sale.

At first , I wanted to keep the seat origanal,
but there was too much writing and ink on it and I couldn't.

So I primed the whole thing.
I don't usually prime my projects ,
but this one had a lot of different surfaces going on,
metal, wood and formica.

 I painted to seat and base with
Rustoleum 2X the Coverage in Apple Red,

Warning : here come the TERRIBLE photos

and I painted the desk top with chalkboard paint !

I warned you the pictures were bad !
But the desk turned out FANTASTIC!

I promise,
I am going to work on my photography skills ....

 This Little Red Desk is now waiting at Market 124 for it's new owner to find it :)

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  1. How cute is that? I love that you painted the top with chalkboard paint! Awesome job once again!

  2. Hi Dawn! We met through the FB linky party last night and I wanted to stop by and check out your blog. Loving it so far! Don't know if you have heard of Digital Photography School or not, but they have lots of tips and tutorials on their site, I've learned a lot through them myself. Anyway, I guess I'm your newest blog follower. Have a great day!
