Thursday, June 21, 2012

Wednesday with Addie and a FINISHED PInterest Project !

This was supposed to get posted last night.
We finally got a much needed rain  and with it came thunder and lightening.
Which I love , but when you live in the boonies,
you lose Internet !
We have Wednesday with Addie on Thursday !
( We will also have out weekly Thirsty Thursday post later today ,
for my boozey readers )

Addie and I started a project that I found on Pinterest before Mother's Day.
I got it done in time for Father's day.
And I must say ,
it's my favorite Pinterest project so far !

Here is my pin :
Pinned Image

In this wonderful tutorial , she used fabric for the trees and leaves.
I do not sew.
Therefore I had no ( well not many ) fabric scraps to use,
nor did I want to buy that much fabric.

So I used scrapbook paper !
I even found some that looked like wood !
And here is my completed Pinterest project ....
 First I traced Addie's hand  ( and arm )on the backside of the wood tone paper.
Then I cut out bunches and bunches of leaves out of paper that would coordinate with Sarah decor.
Bring on the magic that is Modge Podge !
I Modge Podged the burlap to a piece of cardboard
( wood would have worked better I think ).
Modge Podge on the back ,
Modge Podge on the front .

Modge Podge each leaf till I had a full tree.
The hand/arm gets MP'd on last .

On the back I wrote :
Happy Mother's Day and Father's Day 2012 Addie , Age 2 1/2.
I am proud to say the kids LOVED it !

I meant to have pictures of the whole process.
Took LOADS of them .
When I went to download them ,
I discovered there was NO memory card in my camera !
Hate to admit I was that forgetful
but I wanted you to know why you are just seeing the finished project!

I took these pictures when I picked Addie up yesterday.
They already had it hanging on the wall :)

It's been super hot ad dry here lately.
Addie and I went shopping in the morning to find some sort of water activity for her to have at Grandmas house.
I didn't really want a kiddie pool.
Lucky for me ,
she picked out a Slip and Slide.

She wanted to fly like "Super Mam " !

Slash !

Surprise !

Ta - Da !

Pin It

 linking to these fabulous parties ~

Show and Tell Friday @ My Romantic Home
Feathered Nest Friday @ French Country Cottage
Inspiration Friday @ At the Pickett Fence
Fabulous Friday @ Faith,Trust, and Pixie Dust
Fridays Unfolded @ Stuff and Nonsense
Shine on Friday @ Happy-Go_Lucky
FFA @ Sassy Sites
Delicately Constucted Friday @ Delicately Constructed
Creative Genius Party @ Creative Paige


  1. That is one fabulous project!! I love it! I also love the cute pictures of Addie! Grandkids so rock!!

  2. Too cute! I made a similar project with fall leaves in the fall...or my kids did anyway. I love how yours turned out!

  3. Ah, they're both so sweet - the project AND the little girl! Thank you for linking up on Fabulous Friday at Faith, Trust & Pixie Dust.

    Warmly, Michelle
