Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Peanut Butter Cup Cupcakes

Today was my friend Kathy's 60th birthday.
She doesn't read my blog , so I'm not worried about sharing that info :)

She loves sweets of any kind and especially chocolate.
I made supper for her and her son and knew the perfect dessert to serve.

I found this recipe a few weeks ago at The Little Kitchen .
And pinned it to my Cupcake Board .

I have have made them three times in the last couple weeks.
They are absolutely EVERY ONE'S favorite !
My son said there is no reason to make any other kind of cupcake !

Before I "pin" a recipe ,
I follow the link to make sure it is something I will actually make.
I am a lazy cook ( baker , gardener , decorator , etc. the list goes on and on ),
so if the recipe is too complicated , I'll just pass.
( no matter how delish their pictures look )
I am a semi- homemade kind of cook/baker.
I make homemade soup but am not above using ready made broth.
Same with cakes and cupcakes.
I like simple recipes that start with a box mix and add some special ingredients to make them fantastic !
And these fit the bill perfectly !

The most time consuming part of this recipe is unwrapping all those little peanut butter cups !

Look at that pile of wrappers !

Also , I'm not really one to really follow directions...
For instance ,
you are supposed to fill the cupcake wrappers with 3 tablespoons of batter,
then put the peanut butter cup in .

Did I measure ?
Of course not.
Were they still delish ?
Of course.
They may have been a little bigger ,
( that could be why I only got 26 instead of the 30 the author got )
but my family has never complained about cupcakes being too big !

One important direction you should follow though ,
freeze the peanut butter cups.
I ran short and had to use some that were not frozen,
it didn't affect the flavor ,
but they kind of melted into the cupcake....

I'm not going to post the recipe , cause it's not mine.
I will however continue to make them over and over again.
Unless of course my family pisses me off, then they will have to beg forgiveness to get them again !

Please follow the link for this recipe !
You will not be disappointed !
Promise !

Pin It


  1. I think you should start delivering cupcakes...to Readlyn...on days your have Addie. Please and thanks, because they were DELISH!!!

    1. Addie and I would love to bring you cupcakes ! When you are available on a Wed or Friday , let us know :)

  2. I think you should start delivering cupcakes...to Readlyn...on days your have Addie. Please and thanks, because they were DELISH!!!

  3. Yummmmmm! I love peanut butter and chocolate and these look awesome!
