Sunday, October 28, 2012

Fall Gardening

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Miracle-Gro for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

Here in my neck of the woods,

there is not much going on in the garden.

Pots have been emptied and put away.

The veggie garden has been cleaned off and composted.

And seed pods have been gathered to start in the spring.

It's all kind of sad to me.

I know , I know , it's nature's cycle .

The soil and the plants need to rest.

But you know I love colorful plants and sunshine.

The gray days this past week kinda got me down .

One of the best things I have found to get me out of that slump ,

is to look for fresh garden ideas for next year.

I found a new website that is sponsored in part by Miracle-Gro,

It's called the Gardenieres.

What I liked most about it was that it features Master Gardeners from different regions.

The Midwest Gardener is from Chicago .

While I'm not in an urban setting here , we have similar climate and seasonal issues.

They also have many tips on things from container gardens,

to amending soil ,

to pruning roses.


My one big fall project , after clean up that is,

is always to plant a few spring flowering bulbs.

Tulips being my favorite.

I always like to add bone meal when planting any spring bulbs.

Miracle-Gro has a product perfect for that,

Miracle-Gro Organic Choice Bone Meal .

If you need some garden inspiration ,

I encourage you to check out the Gardenieres website.

(1) Miracle-Gro

Also check out Milracle Gro's Facebook page.

Miracle-Gro Facebook page

If you're a gardener at all, you  really should.

Here's on last tidbit of fall inspiration.

Find beauty in the Fall


Happy Fall Y'all


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