Monday, October 8, 2012

My Princess turns 3

I know , I know ...
haven't posted for a while.
I've been really busy getting ready for another sale.
Painting everything in sight .
(More on that in another post.)
Last week my little Addie turned 3.
 Where has the time gone since her parents brought her home ?
I guess it's true ,
the older you get , the faster the time goes.
Addie is Princess CRAZY !
She knows all of their names and what color dress they wear.
Princess Ariel
Princess Belle
I bought her this dress
 ( after her birthday , you can never have too many princess dresses , right )
 thinking she would think it was Cinderella.
But  you really can't fool her.
She said ," it blue , but it not Cinderella."
What could I say ...
She knows her princess'.
Once again , I was in charge of birthday cakes and cupcakes.
Addie has so many people that love her ,
that her Mommy decided we should have two parties .
( ... I had nothing to do with that ,,,, )
I made not one but two cakes .
 I am NOT a cake decorator.
I was really a little nervous whether I could pull this off.
I was going to make her a princess cake ( make that 2 )
I wanted to make the old fashioned "Barbie " cakes like I had when I was young and my girls had too.
This is what I came up with .
Then ...
 I made another one.
My mantra became ,
Frosting is like spray paint , it can hide a multitude of sins.
If I didn't like the way it looked ,
I just added more frosting "stars" .
I used my go- to wedding cake batter  and butter cream frosting recipes.
(Which you can find by following the link or follwing me on Pinterest.)
It wasn't really a Princess Cake , but close enough I guess.
When grandpa walked in with the cakes ,
her eyes got big , and she said ,
" I get a fork ! "
Of course Mommy said, " No!"
But it was all this Grandma needed to hear :)
My princess has come a long way from then,
to now...
Time needs to slow down !
Really ,
it does!


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