Monday, December 3, 2012

Pinterst and Christmas...Take 2

I shared a few pictures of my mache Christmas houses yesterday.
They aren't old,
but I love the vintage feel of them.
They have little holes in the sides or back that you can insert a little light in.
I usually set them up like a village and put some under cloches.
Last year a there was an unfortunate accident ( hubby) and a few of my cloches were broken.
This year I decided I would change it up a bit.
As I told you yesterday ,
I picked up a set of three silver cake plates on a garage sale.
I love cake plates and the grape design around the top really had me.
But , I'm cheap with a capitol C,
 so at $10 , I was going to pass.
I know, ridiculous , right ?
Anyway ,
Hubs was with me and said " get them "
( which , by the way , I could not believe )
I said I really didn't want to pay $ 10.
After shaking his head ,
he offered the lady $5 and I was the happy owner of three silver cake stands .
They have set tucked in my closet from hell ever since.
I display my other cake stands on top of my kitchen cupboards,
but the ceilings in the Trailerhood are just too low for these beauties :(
they were kinda tranishy ( is that a word ? )
I had "pinned" a method of shining up silver on Pinterest and decided to give it a try.
The original "pin" can be found HERE.
You line your sink with foil,
add salt , baking soda and hot water and dump in your silver.
Easy right?
Well, I didn't work for me.
I was so disappointed.
Still tarnishy...
Then I realized that my cake stands , while silver in color ,
were not really SILVER , but probably aluminum.
Duh !
Then , I remembered another pinspiration.
Which , apparently I did not pin ,
I just remember seeing it ...
My apologies to the original pinner for the lack of credit.
The method was to get rust and tarnish of of old aluminum table legs.
Since I like old junk ,
I must have retained that info.
( which is a miracle in and of it's self... )
You take crumpled up aluminum foil and rub the surface.
Easy Peasy.
Success !
It worked like a charm !
The surface is as shiny as a mirror.
Happy. Happy. Happy.
Some of my mache houses  have silver roofs and accents,
perfect fit !
But since I am a terrible photographer...
you can't tell...
you'll just have to trust me on that...
A portion of my mache houses..
 ( minus Polly Pocket )
I'll share the rest of them another day.
Got to get that decorating finished while my lovely assistant is down for a nap.
Her daycare is has been hit by the flu bug .
We are trying to avoid her and her preggo mommy getting it by having her spend a few extra days with me .
What Grandma doesn't love having her assistant around a few extra days?
Not this one :)
Linking up here , cause I'm kinda crazy about chickens too...
that's another story :)
Pin It


  1. Oh brilliant! I have never heard of that foil method! Good to know! I do love your houses up on the cake stands and good for your guy for wheeling and dealing you into them!

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