Saturday, March 23, 2013

Meet Baby Alaina

Wednesday was the first day of spring.
I'm sure you were all aware of that .
I was too .
However ,
 I think Mother Nature forgot.
Here in the frozen tundra of the boonies,
winter doesn't want to give up.
We had a snow storm last Monday and
we are scheduled to get hit with another 1-2 inches tomorrow.
We had a drought last summer ,
so I really shouldn't complain about the moisture.
And not to sound picky or anything,
But I would rather a 70 degree rain
than freezing rain and snow .
Fussy , I know.
Just can't help it.
But ,
the first day of spring did bring new life to my family.
On March 20 at 7:37 am ,
 my second grand daughter was born .
Weighing in at 8 pounds 3 oz !
Isn't she just A*DOR*A*BLE !
Addie has been so excited for her new baby sissy .
We have been playing with her baby dolls and changing diapers for WEEKS !
She is such a good little Mommy !
And she is going to be a GREAT Big Sister !
Things have changed SO much since I had my babies,
they have such cool gadgets now.
 I think one of the best is the Boppy Pillow!
Addie can safely hold baby sissy .
( although there is always an adult close by , duh )
I just wanted you all to meet my precious new grand daughter.
Alaina Jean
with Proud Auntie Emily Jean .

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  1. شركة وحدة المشاريع لكشف تسربات المياه مع
    خدمة كشف التسربات بأحدث الأجهزة والوسائل التكنولوجية الحديثة وبأفضل الأسعار
    بدون تكسير في المنزل وبأقصي سرعة كذالك نقدم خدمة العازل المائي للخزانات والاسطح
    للتعرف على كل خدماتنا من هنا
    شركة كشف تسربات المياه بالرياض
    كشف تسربات المياه بالرياض
    كشف تسربات الاسطح
    اصلاح تسربات المياه
    كشف تسربات الحمامات بالرياض
    كشف تسربات المياه
    شركة فحص تسربات المياه
    شركة عزل اسطح
    شركة عزل اسطح بالرياض
    شركة عزل اسطح بالرياض
    شركة خزانات المياه بالرياض
