Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wordless Wednesday.....Almost & Oh, How Pinteresting Wednesday

Another Wonderful Wednesday!
And if you are wondering after yesterday, a little better attitude too.

I have mentioned before how much I LOVE,LOVE,LOVE Pinterest. It's like an online scrapbook that lets you have separate " boards" to store your ideas and inspiration.
I have 8 boards and I am going to share my favorite idea/inspiration from each one.
I actually have a few projects in the works from my boards , which hopefully I will be sharing SOON!

Photo of a pin

I did my version of this one already see it here.

Board #2 Cocktails
Pomegranate Champagne Punch
Pomegranate Champagne Punch. I'm serving this a the bridal shower I am hosting for my niece-to-be at the end of the month.

Board #3 Flowers / Gardens

Queen Red Lime zinnia
Queen Red Lime Zinnias - TOTALLY planting some of these next year !

Board #4 Stuff

Photo of a pin

I so want to spend an afternoon on this !

Board# 5  Words for Life

Board # 6 Food

Crock pot baked apples
Crock Pot Baked Apples . YUM. I've been SO into using my crock pot lately.

Board #7 Inspiration

for the wine lover: wine cork letter
Yep , definitely gonna make one of these someday !

Board #8 Fall

Awesome natural vase!

Making one of these too !

I've started a Christmas board too but there's not much there yet. But I'll share it someday!

What are you pinning ?
Check out all of my boards by clicking the " pinterest " button on the side bar.

Also linking this post to :
Oh, How Pinterseting Wednesday

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