Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My Happy List

I have been really grumpy the past couple weeks. I don't just mean grumpy , I mean crotchety, ornery and just plain grumbley!
I am generally a happy person , I don't like being grumpy , it doesn't feel good . And I've always felt like most people are as happy as they let themselves be . ( Thomas Jefferson said something kinda sorta like that )
Anyway... I do a lot of blog hopping. I really enjoy it and I think you can learn quite a bit from other people with like interests by blog hopping.
So the other day I stumbled upon Dandelion Wishes , it's a fun , feel good kinda blog. She has a link up on Tuesday called " My Happy List"" and I thought it would be a great way to get myself to SNAP OUT OF IT and be thankful for all the happy in my life . So here it goes ...

#1. Tomorrow is Wednesday, my favorite day of the week.

#2 I  have lunch every Wednesday with my friend Kathy . Good Friends Are The Best !

#3 After lunch I pick up my Addie ( grand daughter for those new here ) and get to spend the whole afternoon playing with her.

#4 Emily has dinner with us and we all watch GLEE ( my fav ) together . Or color , whatever Addie wants to do.

#5. I have the BEST  husband. He always tries to get me to laugh even when I am resisting it the most.

 #6. It's fall and the world is beautiful !


#7 Last but not least , my Packers are 5-0 ! Woo Hoo !

Ok , this is from last year , but we're pretty excited !

So I guess I really do have PLENTY to be happy about !

I think I'll just blame it on hormones !
What is on your Happy List ?

1 comment:

  1. yep, talking about the happy in your life sure can help you turn that frown upside down.

    thanks for linking up. send me a note and i will teach you how to add the My Happy List button to your post, if you decide to link up again.
