Saturday, February 11, 2012

My Week in Reveiw

If you are a regular reader of my blog, you know i do a post ( usually ) on Wednesdays  called Wordless ( almost ) Wednesday with Addie.
Well, this Wednesday was extra special and I didn't get the post done.
You lucky readers are not only going to read about Wednesday, but most of my week !
Highlights only , I promise :)

On Monday I was looking forward to dinner out with some of my girlfriends.
I've been on a bit of an emotional roller coaster lately.
I have finally made a difficult decision ( more on that another time ) and was looking forward ( well not really ) to discussing it with my friends.
But we had to cancel :(
Too many of them had things come up and it didn't work out....

Thursday was pretty uneventful.

Wednesday .
My favorite day of the week.
Addie Day.
This weeks bonus , my old ( as in years of friendship NOT age ) friend Rhonda was going to visit!
She travels a lot for work and this week , work was bringing her to my neck of the woods.
I was so excited , I could not contain myself !

Before Rhonda arrived , Addie and I worked on a little project.
Remember my new obsession with terrariums ?
If not you can read about it here.
I found a glass hurricane at GW last week and a small fern at Walmart.
So with Addie's help , I decided to make an open top terrarium.

First ( and very important ) Addie put the pebbles in the bottom of the hurricane.
This is necessary because this is the only drainage the terrarium will have.

Then you add the soil ( a light potting mix is best )
Add the plant , in this case a fern ( they like moisture )
Then more rocks.

Addie with our finished project.
Now, I don't know if you can tell , But Addie has a pacifier in her mouth.
Addie has never ( even as an infant ) used a pacifier.
She found it in a drawer and now she carries it around.
She calls it Addie's Baby Thing !
She doesn't suck on it , just bites it.
I think it's just a phase.
I'm sure her Mommy is going to hide it ! LOL

Rhonda arrived in time for dinner.
After a brief detour.
Remember , I live in the back of beyond and even her GPS was a little confused.
But she made it and we had a great time catching up.
Two bottles of wine later ( one for me and one for her )....

We always have so much fun when we are together.
You can read about our foray into wine making here.
She also has an awesome blog you should check out .
REALLY ! Do it!

blah, blah, blah...

Friday ...

I spend all day on Friday with Addie.
I take her to story hour, which she loves.
Then we have lunch with my Mom , always interesting ( but that's a whole other story ! )
Nap time , snack time, a lot of coloring, and the dreaded Calliou.
Do you people know who Calliou is ?
Let me just say I wish Elmo was still her favorite !
I had her a little later this Friday because Sarah had a meeting.
I was one TIRED grandma at the end of the day !
But I cherish every moment.
And I do know how fortunate I  am to have her so close and to be able to spend so much time with her.

Saturday ( today ) ....
Sis and I went on our weekly road trip.
We hit a new ( to us ) antique/ gift shop in a town about 40 miles away.
It was recommended to me by a friend.
I have to say we were NOT disappointed.
It was more my type of place than Sis' , but I think she is coming around to my way of thinking, cause she spent more than me !
YAH! ( my brother-in-law probably doesn't agree)
The owner was very friendly , her displays were fabulous and her prices were very good.
If you live in my area check out My Other Home Antiques.
It's worth the trip.
We traveled on and had lunch at the Wild Carrot ( awesome name huh? )
One word - FABULOUS !
Carrot Cream soup and Coconut Creme Cake...
OH MY !...
The diet took a hit today, but it was SO good!
We did a little more thrifting , but more on those finds in tomorrows post. 

Well , that's my week in a nut shell.
I had a pretty good week.
How was yours ?

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  1. good for you! aren't friends just gold?!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you!

  2. Thanks for stopping by my site. I am now a follower. As for words of wisdom, not too much. Invest in a Kreg jig if you don't already have one. Makes it so much easier. And just have fun building the table. Tables are easy to build once you get the basics down. Farmhouse/rustic style is easy too since you don't have to be perfect making it. The knots and dents give it the charm that is that style. Pick out interesting pieces of wood instead of looking for the perfect one. Gives it character. If you ever have questions, feel free to ask.


  3. Hi! Thanks for visit me :-) Addie is very cute and funny she has decided to adopt the pacifier now, ha ha! I am now following you back :-)
