Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sping Fever

Like so many out there , I am ready for spring.
Not just ready ,

The seed catalogs have been arriving
and don't even get me started on Pinterest !
Oh my , the ideas I have.

You may recall from past posts, I am more of a flower gardener that a veggie gardener.
I am determined to do a better job with my veggies this year !
Please remind me of this in August when it's 90 degrees with 100% humidity , will ya ?

 My first and most important project/goal is to build a raised bed.
Hubs is fighting me on this , so I may have to have Ryan build it as my carpentry skills are severely lacking.
I want a raised bed for many reasons.
#1 - I have a need for boundaries.
I am a border FREAK !
#2 - You have more control over soil quality.
Soil quality is so important. 
You are starting with fresh soil and can emend it as you need too.
In my neck of the woods , the county has compost piles free for the taking, that's right FREE dirt !
#3 - Raised beds reduce weeds.
Since you are starting with fresh soil you don't have to deal with weed seeds already in the soil.
#4 - I just like the way they look.
You know I'm nuts about design.
I may be growing veggies , but it still needs to be attractive.
My raised bed will be in my back yard, next to my Moon garden and close to my "new" deck.

Here are some great raised beds I found via Pinterest.

Perfect veggie garden

I love everything about this pin.
The blue shed.
The design.
And don't you love how it looks like the beds are made of twigs ?

Raised Bed
Love the obelisks !
I will still probably use tomato cages , but these are fab !

Cucumber trellis to shade the lettuce garden...

Or something like this.
Great idea .
Let the cucumbers grow up and shade the "cool" crops like lettuces.
Great space saving idea.

Here is the plan I found to use.

Pinned Image

The writer of this blog post made hers for under $10.
I don't know if that's possible as she found her boards on sale.
But the plans are easy to follow and I like the materials she used.

Last year I planted too many tomatoes.
I wasn't my fault .
I bought 3 Grape tomato plants - only 3.
Then Hubs bought another one.
Then his brother gave us 3 more.
We had grape tomatoes coming out our ears !

They really produce.
And they are the sweetest.

These are my favorite.
Yellow Pear Tomato

I am going try to keep it to 3 plants this year.
We'll see...

I always plant a few cucumber plant.
I love cucumbers.
I plant the "bush" variety because I don't have a lot of space.
I don't can or make pickles so there is no need to have lots of plants.
Two gives me enough with a little left over to share.

I also plant a few Eggplant.

Just a couple.
Hubs doesn't like them as well as I.

I plant a few peppers , this times for Hubs as they bother me:(
I'm going to plant some onions , some mini pumpkins and herbs.

I would like to plant some lettuce and spinach , we eat a lot of spinach, but I haven't had much experience with them.
Any suggestion would be appreciated.

I'm also going to plant some new varieties of flowers.
For sure these-
Queen Red Lime zinnia
Queen Red Lime Zinnia

Yesterday I gave in to my need to dig in the dirt.
I planted some Datura seeds that had been given to me.
Datura is one of my favorite flowers .
But it's almost impossible to find them locally at any greenhouses.
They are also difficult to grow.
They will self seed if you let them , but they are very late to emerge.
So I wanted to give them a jump start ( really so I can enjoy them longer ) .

White datura flower
They are so beautiful and a MUST for the Moon Garden.

Have you started any seeds yet?
Got your garden all planned out ?
I would LOVE to hear about your garden!

Linking this post to :
More the Merrier Monday@DIY Home Sweet Home
So Very Creative Party Time @ So Creative
Meet Me Monday @ You're Talking Too Much
Amaze Me Monday @ DittleDattle
What's in the GunnySack@The Gunny Sack
Meet Me Monday @ You're Talking Too Much
Newbie Party @ DebbieDoos
Metamorphosis Monday @ Between Naps on the Porch
Make the Scene Monday @ Alderberry Hill
Talent Tuesday @ Vintage Wanna Be
Party Time Tuesday @ Northern Cottage
Trash to Treasure Tuesday @ Sassy Sites

Show Off Your Stuff @ Fireflies and Jellybeans
Primp Your Stuff Wednesday @ Primp
Your Whims Wednesday @ My Girlish Whims
Good Life Wednesday @ A Beach Cottage

A Pinteresting Link Party @ Here's to Handy Andy
Tutu's and Teaparties : A Pinteresting Party @
Sunday Showcase Party @ Under the Table and Dreaming
Sunday's Best @ My 1929 Charmer
Rock & Share @ The Shady Porch

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  1. Thanks for sharing with the newbie party. I am so ready for Spring/Summer gardens and all the pretties that go along with the season.

  2. LOVE those zinnias! super pretty! And i feel like a nerd...but i'll admit it...i thought you meant a raised bed for your bedroom. oops :)

  3. Love it! I so want to do this! I have no garden! =/ Well, a mini herb garden, but I dream of flowers and vegetables! Thanks for following my baby blog! I'm following back via LF!


  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Every February we get a week of sunshine that makes me itch to plant something, but the heavy rain really isn't over yet, so I have to wait or all my stuff will rot underground :)

  6. What a coincidence! I decided to build a raised bed too, and Dad whipped it out in an hour yesterday. With attached trellis, it's going to be fabulous! I'm so excited. It also cost about $20 compared to others in the hundreds. Good luck with yours!

  7. Lucky You ! Do you use lumber you already had ? What was your secret to keeping the cost down ?

  8. I'm with you girl, I'm more of a flower girl. Don't do much veggies because I only have 1 area in my whole garden that's fun sun, everything else is partial. I do do tomatoes, got to have them. I've used raised beds and really like them, especially the older I get. Don't you just love Moon glories. Your inspiration pictures are inspirational! Thanks for sharing your creative inspiration at Sunday's Best Par.tay. Following you on Linky!

  9. I'm more of a flower girl to, but I do love vegetable gardens! Thanks for linking up at So Creative!

  10. These are such beautiful pictures. I live in Arizona, so we are having great weather right now! I plan on posting pictures next week just to help give those who live in snow a little uplift!

  11. I'm so itching to get out & do some gardening & was even looking at seeds today. With the mild temps we've been having in northern Indiana, my bulbs are confused and think it's time to come up!

    I used to have some Moon flowers, but something took off with the few seed pods I had and that winter took them out. I miss them.

    I would love to have veggies, but it's hard for me to get my hubby going on starting up a bed for me and then there's the disputes on who knows what...I just stick to my flowers! LOL! I have done tomatoes in huge pots for the hubby before.

  12. This KY gal is a gardener too! I am with you when it comes to spring fever...I've got it bad! lol! Enjoyed your post and wanted to invite you to link up at my party going on now.

  13. Love your blog! Following you through the Linky Party. My favorite are the yellow cherry tomatoes. They are SO GOOD. I like any tomato that comes out of a garden though.

  14. I have spring fever too! Can't wait to be able to eat fresh veggies again...YUM.

    I'm stopping over from the newbie party and I am your newest follower!
    I'd love for you to come check out my (newbie) blog too and follow back, if you're so inclined.

    Have a wonderful night,

  15. And I am totally more of a veggie gardener than a flower one.

    I always kill my

  16. First time stopping by and I really enjoyed this post! I love to garden myself. My wife stitches, so I garden. I would like to invite you to a seed give away I am having.
    Hope to see you there:
