Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentines Day and Quote(s) of the Week

This is my Valentine

What an unlikely pair we are.

He is the late life baby of a hard working Iowa farm couple.
His siblings were teenagers when he was born.
He was pretty spoiled by all.
Although he says they were just tired by the time he came a long , so they let him get by with anything.

I am the oldest child of hippie/ gypsy parents that could never quite decide where they wanted to live  or what they wanted to do.
We went on a lot of family vacations , to many museums and had lots of adventures in our station wagon.

He never left the farm , but had lots of "toys".
Horses, motorcycles, stuff like that.

We met in high school.
My Dad was going through his "I want to be a hobby farmer " stage.
We had rabbits, sheep , chickens and goats.
So I joined the FFA chapter.
This is when my farm boy entered my life.
And the rest , as they say, is history.

Now I'm not going to lie or be delusional.
It wasn't all fun.
Or even happy for that matter.
Babies came fast ( I come from very fertile stock ) and money came slow.
And we were very young ( and dumb).

But bottom line , we made it.
yes we would

Even though he makes me crazy on a daily basis.
It's his job.
And his hobby !

But you get to a point in you life,
 if you are lucky ,
 and I am,
 that you wake up one day wondering where the years have gone,
 only to discover that you are married to your very best friend.
and you know with complete certainty that life is good.
Not every day, but most.


Happy Valentines Day !


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  1. Thank you for stopping by my blog and being a new Linky Follower! I am pleased to come check out your blog too and am returning the favor by following you back! Happy Valentine's Day to you too!

  2. I always enjoy your posts! You were right about Pinterest,I'm having fun with it! Happy Valentines Day to you and Ron...I remember well the two of you dating in school. Seems like just a couple of years ago!

  3. Newest linky follower here. Would love if you followed in return!

  4. Just stopped by from the linky blog hop and am your newest linky follower! Follow me back if you get a chance!

    ~Mrs. T

  5. Blog Hopping - I've followed you via Linky Followers. Would love if you would follow me back.

    Thank you,
    Jeneen @ Suzie HomeCaker

  6. Thanks for popping over to our weekly book blog hop, now following you via new linky followers, hoping you can follow us back over at http://www.beckvalleybooks.blogspot.com xx

  7. Aw, Dawn...what a sweet story! Thanks for sharing!

  8. I believe the best couples are those that mesh well and work hard at meshing. So sweet! I found you through the blog hop. I'm following via LF. Stop by www.thenymelrosefamily.blogspot.com and check me out.

  9. What a sweet story. Lots of great memories-I'm sure.

    Hey Its Cheri from Its so very Cheri. I am following you and if you haven't made your way over to check out www.ItsSoVeryCheri.com please do and follow me back. I also have another post on my site for a give-a-way each week for those who follow me on the new Linky Follower tool.


  10. I love the story and I also love to garden (and secretly wish for raised beds). I found you and am following you per the linky followers blog hop and am glad I did. Please hop over and check out my little blog

    My Turn (for us)


    Thanks, I enjoyed the visit!

  11. Glad I found your blog. I'm a new follower on GFC and LF. I would love if you would follow back so we can stay connected. Lori

  12. Very sweet in deed. :_)

    I am actually coming to your site from the FOLLOWER linky blog hop, and am following you ! :-) Will you follow me back?? Thank you so much when you do.

    PLUS: There is also a party on our blog, where you can feature 'your best creative work'. There are some great projects to see already, but we want to see your work!

    Use this link both to FOLLOW and to PARTY:

    Hope to seeing you around!!
    Have a happy, creative day!

  13. Hello, I found you on the linky follower blog hop and now follow you please follow me at http://hibiscushouse1.blogspot.com/
    Thanks so much!
