Sunday, April 29, 2012

Mini Moon Garden

Last Monday the local garden club hosted an open house.
One of the speakers was an expert on mini conifers.
Now those don't really interest me all that much ,
but part of his talk was on making hypetufa troughs,
which is what they plant mini garden in .
The speaker always uses mini conifers in his troughs.
He was quite the purest when it came to trough gardens.
I am not.
I don't think he would approve of mine.
But  I love the way it turned out.

I didn't make this container
( although , I do plan to give it a go , so stay tuned for a hypertufa post )
this one was given to me by a friend.
  Her daughter had made them as a 4H project.
I bet I've had it for at least 10 years.

It was made using the same basic method ,
probably a different "recipe" and
she used a rhubarb leaf to made the pattern .
Cool huh?
Over the years , I've used it as a bird bath , a bird feeder , or
just as an ornament.
I decided it was time to put it to use.
Plus after hearing the speaker I was dying to give it a try.

First I filled the bottom 3 inches ( approximately) with chicken grit,
I then filled it with a light weight potting mix.
Then the fun part...

The idea with these trough gardens is that it is actually a MINI garden.
So you arrange the plants as if you are landscaping a full sized garden.
Complete with ornaments, paths , arbors , etc.

This container was in my Moon Garden so of course it had to be a Mini Moon Garden !

I don't know if I've mentioned it before ,
but I have a slight obsession with Hostas.
Especially miniature Hostas.
The only problem with miniature Hostas is they have a tendency to get lost in the border cause they are just THAT small !
I thought mini gardens would be a great way to showcase my little lovelies.
I added a mini pine and a VERY small leafed mint.
The Hostas won't get much taller , but they will eventually get bigger around.
I anticipate the mint will spread, I really hope it does.
I'm really hoping it spreads in like grass.
Time will tell...

Then I added this little arbor and garden bench.
And the icing on the cake ( I think ) ...
The gazing ball!

I've got a couple more mini garden plans floating around in my brain.
I'll share them eventually.
The weather must straighten out first.
Do you like them ?
Has anyone else planted one ?
Are you tired of my Moon Garden yet ?
I hope not, cause I've got another update post coming soon.

I think I'm in love....

Linking to some or all of thse great Parties :
More the Merrier Monday@DIY Home Sweet Home
So Very Creative Party Time @ So Creative
Meet Me Monday @ You're Talking Too Much
Amaze Me Monday @ DittleDattle
What's in the GunnySack@The Gunny Sack
Metamorphosis Monday @ Between Naps on the Porch
Make the Scene Monday @ Alderberry Hill
Make it Yourself Monday @ An Original Belle
Show Me What You Got Linky Party @ Our Delightful Home
Party Time Tuesday @ Northern Cottage
Trash to Treasure Tuesday @ Sassy Sites
Cowgirl Up Creative Linky Party @ The FarmhousPorch
Show Off Your Stuff @ Fireflies and Jellybeans
Primp Your Stuff Wednesday @ Primp
Your Whims Wednesday @ My Girlish Whims
Good Life Wednesday @ A Beach Cottage
Rock & Share @ The Shady Porch(a pinterest party)
Tablescape Thrursday@ Beteen Naps on the Porch
Thursdays are Your Days @ 52 Mantles
Show and Tell Friday@ My Romantic Home
Feathered Nest Friday @ French Country Cottage
Inspiration Friday@ At the Picket Fence
Pinning and Singing on the Weekend@ 5 Minutes Just for Me
Potpourri Friday @ 2805
Fabulous Friday @ Faith,Trust and Pixie Dust
Weekend Bloggy Reading : Link Up @ Serenity Now
Fridays Unfolded @ Stuff and Nonsense
Shine on Friday @ Happy-Go-Lucky
Saturday Nite Special @ Funky Junk Interiors
A Pinteresting Link Party @ Here's to Handy Andy
Tutu's and Teaparties : A Pinteresting Party @

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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

When a project is better in your head....

Ryan found another bed to turn into a bench.
In some ways I liked it better than the one he made for me.
But this one is going to the store...
He found this double bed at a thrift store.
He cut the foot board in half and made the arms.
The first bench we he made from a twin bed ,
he made it kinda narrow,
I can only fit half a butt cheek on it ....
( I'm not that big , really )

So anyway, I asked him to make this one a little wider.
He even got a little fancy around the bottom of the seat.
He did I great job.

Then it was my turn .
This had to be one of my most trying paint projects yet.
A few colorful words were used in the painting of this bench.
In order to not offend anyone,
I will keep those to myself !

After 2 cans of my favorite spray paint ,
one coat with a brush ( which I hate more than anything),
then another can of spray paint.
I finally decided ENOUGH !
I wasn't totally happy with it.
I think this may have been the perfect project to try chalk paint on..
too late now....

Ryan also "found" this little Queen Anne table for me .
They're both a little chippy and rustic.
I think they would be perfect for a porch don't you ?
Ever have a project that just gave you fits?
This one did me :)

But it's done ...
I think I deserve a cocktail ....

And what would a Wednesday post be without an Addie picture ?
Just can't do it !
Being silly with Tippy....

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Saturday, April 21, 2012

For the Love of....Plants

I have mentioned before a few several times
that I used to work in a flower shop.
That was long ago and far away.
( Meatloaf reference... dated myself there huh ? )
I have a love for plants .
If I find a plant I do not have ,
I usually pick it up.
Not that I need it.
My house is kinda small for all my plants.
Some I have had for several years,

like this arbicola/spider combo.
It's huge.
I have it in a pot inside a 12 gallon Red Wing crock.
It was given to me more years ago than I can remember.
It has been moved so many times, I'm surprised it's still alive.
I actually TRIED to kill it once.
It had grown so lop sided and gangly that I set it out on the deck for the summer.
It was blown off the deck several times, but continued to thrive.
So when I brought it in ,in the fall and I gave it a severe "hair cut ", evened it out and it grew even more.
That is when I learned,

 Lesson 1
It is OK to give a plant a hair cut. It even helps it grow. We feel better after a good trim right ? So do plants.

Spider Plants are one of the most forgiving plants you can have.
They thrive absolutely anywhere.

( these pictures were taken at Christmas time , did you notice that )
This particular Spider Plant has lived in my bedroom ( shown here ),
the bathroom , the entry and even the living room.
Currently it is still in the bedroom.
It's happy anywhere.

The Split Leaf Philodendron is an easy plant too.

I love the large split leaves.
However it grows a little crazy.
It's way wider than it is tall. and tends to bend every which way.
This one takes up the entire corner in the living room.
It might be better if I rotated it more often so it wouldn't have to stretch for the sun.
Who knows, this one might get a "hair cut" this summer.
We will see.

Another easy peasy house plant  is a Dracena.
They come in a lot of different varieties and color variations.
Here's mine.

I move all of my plants around quite often.
Here it is the bathroom.
( from Christmas again )
It lives in the entry now...

Now this one can be a little " iffy".
This one happens to be a Oak Ivy ( which is my favorite )
Ivy can be a little temperamental.
They can grow happily for years and then all of a sudden die.
They are also very susceptible to spider mites.
I have better luck with the Oak leaf variety than I do English varieties.
But it could just be me.

Lesson 2 -
 some plants are worth the extra effort even if they don't last forever.

 Here is a new one I just acquired.
It's called a Sansevieria.
Which is on the same family as Mother-in-Laws Tongue.
Super easy.
Can tolerate low light and likes to stay on the dry side.

Lesson 3 -
 There IS a plant for everyone and every condition if you really want one .

I don't have luck with all plants.
For instance ,
ferns don't really like me.
I had a Bird's Nest Fern for several years but then it just died.
I would like to find another one.
Here is the problem fern living barely hanging on at my house right now.
 Part of the reason it looks so bad is ,
it's just a plain UGLY ugly plant.
It's a Rabbit's Foot Fern.
All the fuzzy looking brown things are actually the roots and are supposed to look like that.
( hence , the Rabbit's Foot )
I sent it to Em at work on her birthday (her golden birthday to be exact )
I wanted them to send an "unusual" plant.

Lesson 4 -
 (this one is for me in particular )
 Unusual is NOT always best.
Be aware of a plants needs and if you  ( or the recipient ) can meet them.

She thought she had killed it , so it came to me for intensive care.
It has not gotten a whole lot better.
I even tried some of this on it:

Worm Poop .
It was a Christmas gift from my niece.
Her church sells it as a fund raiser.
I was very excited about this gift.
( her sister ... not so much )
But alas...
it hasn't helped this particular plant much.
I think this summer it will go live in the back of the garden.
If it survives , OK.
If it doesn't, OK.
I just know to stay away from ferns...
Again , that's just me.

Do you have particular plants that grow better for you ?
Or do you have some you avoid like the plague?
I'd really love to know :)

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Linking this Post to :
More the Merrier Monday@DIY Home Sweet Home
So Very Creative Party Time @ So Creative
Meet Me Monday @ You're Talking Too Much
Amaze Me Monday @ DittleDattle
What's in the GunnySack@The Gunny Sack
Metamorphosis Monday @ Between Naps on the Porch
Make the Scene Monday @ Alderberry Hill
Make it Yourself Monday @ An Original Belle
Show Me What You Got Linky Party @ Our Delightful Home
Party Time Tuesday @ Northern Cottage
Trash to Treasure Tuesday @ Sassy Sites
Cowgirl Up Creative Linky Party @ The FarmhousPorch
Show Off Your Stuff @ Fireflies and Jellybeans
Primp Your Stuff Wednesday @ Primp
Your Whims Wednesday @ My Girlish Whims
Good Life Wednesday @ A Beach Cottage
Rock & Share @ The Shady Porch(a pinterest party)
Tablescape Thrursday@ Beteen Naps on the Porch
Thursdays are Your Days @ 52 Mantles
Show and Tell Friday@ My Romantic Home
Feathered Nest Friday @ French Country Cottage
Inspiration Friday@ At the Picket Fence
Pinning and Singing on the Weekend@ 5 Minutes Just for Me
Potpourri Friday @ 2805
Fabulous Friday @ Faith,Trust and Pixie Dust
Weekend Bloggy Reading : Link Up @ Serenity Now
Fridays Unfolded @ Stuff and Nonsense
Shine on Friday @ Happy-Go-Lucky
Saturday Nite Special @ Funky Junk Interiors
A Pinteresting Link Party @ Here's to Handy Andy
Tutu's and Teaparties : A Pinteresting Party @

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Quote of the Week ( and Word of the Day )

 The word of the day is....
That's how I'm feeling.
Kinda suck...

Ever have one of the days weeks?
Where nothing feels quite right?
Of course you have .
We all do .
 I just need to get a grip.

I remind myself all the time how good my life is.
My children and grand daughter are healthy and happy ( for the most part)

I have a friend who's grand daughter was born February 1st.
She almost didn't make it and has yet to come home from the hospital.

My oldest daughter's good friend from high school has been in ICU for the last two weeks.
He has Cystic Fibrosis.
His younger sister is my youngest daughter's good friend.
Their older brother died a few years ago from CF.
I love this guy.
He is loved by many...


We should all count our blessings right?

But sometimes , it's hard.
Sometimes , I just feel like...
Sometimes they're hard to find!
Or just plain don't want to put them on ....

My friend Elaine owns a fabulous little coffee shop.
Lucky me , it's located right out my back door !
She makes my skinny chai latte just right ( better than Starbucks , seriously)
She also makes the most beautiful cookies.
Works of art really...
 Her sunflowers are my favorite.
My picture doesn't do it justice !

Today she delivered this one to me , along with my skinny chai
( kinda defeated the purpose of the "skinny" chai, huh ? )
That's a CHOCOLATE and FROSTING butterfly !

 Cupcakes make ME happy

She makes cupcakes too.
If you are in my area ( or anywhere even close ) check out Elaine's coffee shop.
It's too good to miss.
And she could really use the business.

That beautiful cookie and my chai helped my funk for all of about 15 minutes.
Trust me , I am NO fun today ...

One a side note :
I was almost run over yesterday by a Red Hat lady , driving a red Cadillac,  running a red light.
True story.
It's just that kind of week...

The only bright spot in my week:
( maybe not the only , but I'm in a funk , remember..)

How cute is she ?
( rhetorical question ... I know she is ADORABLE )
 This child makes my day :)

So now that I've depressed you all,
here is my quote of the week:

"I believe that if life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade... And try to find somebody whose life has given them vodka, and have a party." ~Ron White

Who's with me ?

keep calm

Anyone ???

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Monday, April 16, 2012

A Couple Painted Projects.... Aqua

Yah warmer weather !
I can paint again !
Although my arm is not happy about it !
It's aching like crazy tonight....

Anyway , I've finished quite a few of the projects I've had stock piled all winter.
I'm a spray painter.
Hand me a brush and I will make a mess of anything.

I pick up wooden chairs whenever I find them cheap.
The project I am showing you today is the chair in the middle.
Although the little bench on the right turned out super cute too .
I'll have to see if I can find those pictures to show you..

I painted ( with a brush ,yikes ) the edges in an aqua color,
then covered the whole chair with RustOleum Ultra Cover 2X in Ivory Silk
This is my favorite spray paint.
It covers so well !

Then I sanded the edges to let the aqua come through.

Then it was time to cover the seat.
I had found a couple pillow shams at the thrift store that had aqua and lime green.
I love that combo .

I couldn't just let the little chair be lonely.
She needed a companion.
Enter , ugly little table needing love...
I had already taken the hardware of the little drawer before I took this picture.
I don't usually don't sand much unless it has a super shiny finish or a rough spot that needs to be smoothed.

This time I used RustOleum Ultra Cover in Aqua.

I gave it the love it needed !

I had another pillow sham so I used it cover a little foot stool.
Please excuse the hanging tags,
This is my projects on display at my store .

The only thing I would change is the legs on the little foot stool.
I should have painted them Ivory Silk. 
But I have already sold this set :)
It didn't live in the store long.
It found a new home:)

Linking to :
More the Merrier Monday@DIY Home Sweet Home
So Very Creative Party Time @ So Creative
Meet Me Monday @ You're Talking Too Much
Amaze Me Monday @ DittleDattle
What's in the GunnySack@The Gunny Sack
Metamorphosis Monday @ Between Naps on the Porch
Make the Scene Monday @ Alderberry Hill
Make it Yourself Monday @ An Original Belle
Show Me What You Got Linky Party @ Our Delightful Home
Party Time Tuesday @ Northern Cottage
Trash to Treasure Tuesday @ Sassy Sites
Cowgirl Up Creative Linky Party @ The FarmhousPorch
Show Off Your Stuff @ Fireflies and Jellybeans
Primp Your Stuff Wednesday @ Primp
Your Whims Wednesday @ My Girlish Whims
Good Life Wednesday @ A Beach Cottage
Rock & Share @ The Shady Porch(a pinterest party)
Tablescape Thrursday@ Beteen Naps on the Porch
Thursdays are Your Days @ 52 Mantles
Show and Tell Friday@ My Romantic Home
Feathered Nest Friday @ French Country Cottage
Inspiration Friday@ At the Picket Fence
Pinning and Singing on the Weekend@ 5 Minutes Just for Me
Potpourri Friday @ 2805
Fabulous Friday @ Faith,Trust and Pixie Dust
Weekend Bloggy Reading : Link Up @ Serenity Now
Fridays Unfolded @ Stuff and Nonsense
Shine on Friday @ Happy-Go-Lucky
Saturday Nite Special @ Funky Junk Interiors
A Pinteresting Link Party @ Here's to Handy Andy
Tutu's and Teaparties : A Pinteresting Party @

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Sunday, April 15, 2012

Dream Bedroom

I used to have dreams of one of those romantic master bedrooms.
You know the kind with the reading nook,
<3 reading nook

My spot... reading reading reading ♥


and piles of gorgeous pillows
Romantic bedrooms vdevors

pillows pillows pillows

pillows, pillows, pillows

 and beautiful displays on the dresser....
Pinned Image

Dressing tables

Well, my master bedroom will never make an issue of Romantic Home.
That's for sure.

As for that reading nook,
I have a fabulous ratty shabby chic chair
 ( right now covered with piles of laundry begging to make it to the closet)
 with a pile of books next to it.
But mostly I read in the living room on my Kindle ( or my laptop ) while the Hubs watches TV.

I had fantastic pillows, but mostly they ended up on the floor.
(Unless it was one of those rare days when the bed actually got made. )
Otherwise I would trip over them on one of my nightly trips to the bathroom.
Who knew throw pillows could be hazardous to your health ?
Apparently men , cause they hate them.

Occasionally, when I actually clean my bedroom I have wonderful vignettes on my dresser,
  (and nightstand and various tables I tend to collect)
I have beautifully framed photos of my family,
pottery bowls filled with bangles,
artfully displayed jewelry that I never wear,
you know... dresser stuff.
But then after a few days  hours,
it gets covered up by papers , magazines , a stray pair of socks...

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Do people really have bedrooms like this ?
Not in my world they don't .
But isn't that bed DELISH?
And I am really loving that ottoman !

Is your bedroom your peaceful oasis ?
In your dreams or in reality?
I really would love to know.

Linking to :
More the Merrier Monday@DIY Home Sweet Home
So Very Creative Party Time @ So Creative
Meet Me Monday @ You're Talking Too Much
Amaze Me Monday @ DittleDattle
What's in the GunnySack@The Gunny Sack
Metamorphosis Monday @ Between Naps on the Porch
Make the Scene Monday @ Alderberry Hill
Make it Yourself Monday @ An Original Belle
Show Me What You Got Linky Party @ Our Delightful Home
Party Time Tuesday @ Northern Cottage
Trash to Treasure Tuesday @ Sassy Sites
Cowgirl Up Creative Linky Party @ The FarmhousPorch
Show Off Your Stuff @ Fireflies and Jellybeans
Primp Your Stuff Wednesday @ Primp
Your Whims Wednesday @ My Girlish Whims
Good Life Wednesday @ A Beach Cottage
Rock & Share @ The Shady Porch(a pinterest party)

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