Thursday, May 24, 2012

You are my Sunshine

Sorry I've been a bit absent this week.
Honestly , I just didn't feel much like writing.
Lots of craziness going on in my life right now.
Fortunately , all good.

I have sold my building and getting out of a franchise is no easy task !
Plus I've been looking for a vendor space to move my ReStyle business to.
I have a few leads , but kinda nervous to take that step.

I've got so much inventory to work with and ideas for all of it ,
so I know it won't give it up.
Just have to decide which direction to go with it.

I've been a bit crochet crazy the last couple weeks.
My projects are getting better and better.
Working on baby stuff for the nieces.
 I'm not sure if it's going to be a surprise or not.
Knowing me , not .
I can't keep a secret !
So if I give them to them early , you can bet your bootie ( pun intended ) I'll be sharing them here also .

Today I going to share something that makes me happy no matter how crazy my life gets .

Some of my garden .
I hope you're not thinking  ,  oh no , not another garden post ,
Please don't think that :)

You know I have a Moon Garden ,  I've written about it many, many times.
But I also made a " Sunshine  Garden ".

Remember my old table by the garage ?
I change the displays seasonally.
If you missed those posts , you can see them here and here.

This display was half way inspired by this " Pin"
I loved the old metal containers repurposed as planters.
But I wanted more colorful plants out front.
No need for two Moon Gardens.

I used an assortment of yellow and orange flowers -
hence , the " Sunshine Garden ".
 It's not all in full bloom yet , but it's getting there.

I used other old junk too ,
ladders , chairs , wooden crates.

I debated painting these chairs yellow , what do think ?

 Succulent display on an old step ladder.

 Some of them even have orange , yellow and red tips.

I can't wait till it's all in full bloom !

I also have to share one of my latest crochet projects.

Sorry I take terrible pictures  !
This one was taken with my phone , so it's even worse.
But these flip flops for Addie turned out SOOOO cute !

Have a fantastic weekend everyone.
We are off to the Trailerhood II for the long weekend .

Pin It

I would really , really love it if you would like to follow my blog
Follow me on Pinterest

Linking this post to some or all of these fabulous parties :

A Pinteresting Link Party @ Here's to Handy Andy http://herestohandyandy.blogs
Tutu's and Teaparties : A Pinteresting Party @ Home Sweet Home Gunny Sack
Show Off Your Stuff @ Fireflies and Jellybeans
Primp Your Stuff Wednesday @ Primp
Your Whims Wednesday @ My Girlish Whims
Good Life Wednesday @ A Beach Cottage
Rock & Share @ The Shady Porch(a pinterest party)
Tablescape Thrursday@ Beteen Naps on the Porch
Thursdays are Your Days @ 52 Mantles
Show and Tell Friday@ My Romantic Home
Feathered Nest Friday @ French Country Cottage
Inspiration Friday@ At the Picket Fence
Pinning and Singing on the Weekend@ 5 Minutes Just for Me
Potpourri Friday @ 2805
Fabulous Friday @ Faith,Trust and Pixie Dust
Weekend Bloggy Reading : Link Up @ Serenity Now
Fridays Unfolded @ Stuff and Nonsense
Shine on Friday @ Happy-Go-Lucky

More the Merrier
So Very Creative Party Time @ So Creative
Meet Me Monday @ You're Talking Too Much
Amaze Me Monday @ DittleDattle 
What's in the
Metamorphosis Monday @ Between Naps on the Porch
Make the Scene Monday @ Alderberry Hill
Make it Yourself Monday @ An Original Belle
Show Me What You Got Linky Party @ Our Delightful Home
Party Time Tuesday @ Northern Cottage
Trash to Treasure Tuesday @ Sassy Sites
 Cowgirl Up Creative Linky Party @ The FarmhousPorch
Tout it Tuesday @ Claiming our Space
Sunday Showcase Party @ Under the Table and Dreaming
Sunday's Best @ My 1929 Charmer


  1. Yes Dawn - paint that white chair. Either yellow or tangerine (for a really really bright sun :)

  2. I like using old buckets too for my flowers, Laura

  3. It's a beautiful display! A bright color for the white chair would look wonderful.


  4. Dawn - this garden is so wonderful and inspiring! I featured you today in my Friday I'm In Love favorites!

    Jenn @ Social Salutations

  5. Dawn! That's beautiful. I love all the old tables, chairs and containers! Your succulent trays really caught my eye too! Next year....sunshine garden for me! (You've created a monster!)

  6. I LOVE your succulent display. I just started one myself...they are so beautiful (and harder for me to kill).

    Stopping by from the Networking Blog Hop...I am your newest follower! I would love if you would check out my blog and if you like what you see please follow back :)
    Modern Modest Beauty

  7. looks amazing, love the displays ... just beautiful!~

  8. Looks great! You should paint the chair! The extra pop of color would look really nice! I am stopping by from the Pinterest Party.


  9. I love the containers. It looks great! Thank you for linking up to A Pinteresting Party

  10. Cute display! Visiting from A pinteresting Party, I pinned your succulant garden, it's so cute!

  11. love your garden so very pretty. Here via Meet me Monday and You are talking too much. I also love, love, love the bottle tree. One of these days I'm gonna make me a bottle tree. Or something like it.

  12. You have been a busy bee. I dearly love any flowers in orange and yellow, your succulents will be wonderful for summer. I have come from 1929 Charmer, I am your newest follower on your blog and I am heading to check you out on pinterest. I have just stared pinning and having a blast. Drop by my blog and Pinterest.
    Have a great gardening day, Kathy
