Thursday, June 7, 2012

Addie and the New Babies

Sorry I've been MIA lately.
The stress ( not really but can't come up with a better term ) of selling my building and closing the Curves has left me unable to focus.
Throw in a couple more curves balls and I've been a basket case on a roller coaster.
Does that make sense ?
Probably not , but it's how I've been .

Until yesterday.
There is something about my Wednesdays with Addie that make me happy , happy, happy.
That child actually makes me feel physically full of joy.

Could it be her magic wand ?

She is in love with Mylo .
My wild child has become a boomerang child and with her came her dog....
Wonder why I'm crazy ????
Anyway , Addie LOVES Mylo ( her aunt , she is still not figured out ).
She tells him all the time , " Myo ,  ( she doesn't say the "L" ) I love you so much , you a good doggie . "
How cute is that ? !

Princess Addie wanted to play....
Mylo wanted to sleep ...

Tippy had a baby.
Well , she had a few .
We didn't think any survived.
We thought she was a terrible mother.
Surprise !

Then My ( Emily ) showed up with this little fluff ball.
Surprise again.
Addie had animals everywhere to play with.
Fluff ball does not have a name yet,
nor does Tippy's baby.
I asked Addie what kitty's name should be , she said 4.
I think we will come up with something different.

We also did a little gardening.
Addie loves to dig in the dirt,
sometimes where she is not supposed to.
Grandma got a blister.

We have the COOLEST garden boots E*V*E*R !

We did have a mini catastrophe.
Addie got a sliver in her foot.
4 adults , 2 ice cubes , and a Pinterest suggestion ( the jury is still out on how effective that was ) later,
it was out and she was having a cupcake .

Every things better with ice cubes and cupcakes ....

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  1. Ice cubes with VODKA and cupcakes with CHOCOLATE? AGREED! Glad you had a great day and you are back at posting! YOU HAVE BEEN MISSED!
