Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Little Red School Desk

This isn't going to be my typical Wednesday blog post.
No Addie pictures today.
We were together today,
but it was SOOO HOT that we played in the water.
So , why no pictures ?
Well, I don't have a suit for her , so she played in her undies
( at first anyway , then they came off too )
I didn't think nakey Addie pictures were appropriate.
You will just have to wait till next Wednesday to see more pictures of my beautifu grand daughter :)

I do , however , have a project to share with you.
Don't get too excited though.
I have terrible pictures.
Maybe that I no longer have my store ,
I can take a class or something ....

Anyway ....
I bought this little desk at a garage sale.

At first , I wanted to keep the seat origanal,
but there was too much writing and ink on it and I couldn't.

So I primed the whole thing.
I don't usually prime my projects ,
but this one had a lot of different surfaces going on,
metal, wood and formica.

 I painted to seat and base with
Rustoleum 2X the Coverage in Apple Red,

Warning : here come the TERRIBLE photos

and I painted the desk top with chalkboard paint !

I warned you the pictures were bad !
But the desk turned out FANTASTIC!

I promise,
I am going to work on my photography skills ....

 This Little Red Desk is now waiting at Market 124 for it's new owner to find it :)

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Monday, June 25, 2012

Wine Bottle Tikki Torches

Hubs and I made something this weekend that I am SO happy with !
The inspiration, of course, came from Pinterest.
But if you have been following my blog for very long .
you know the inspiration starts there ,
but I always have to put my own spin on it.
I was really excited when I saw this on Pinterest

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But it did seem a little complicated.
I just knew when I showed it to hubs,
 he would come up with something MUCH cheaper and MUCH easier .
After pondering on it for awhile ....
He did !

First of all ,
we wanted ours on top of the deck rail instead of on the side.
I didn't like his first idea,
but we came up with a compromise.

A trip to the farm supply store gave us everything we needed.

For those of you who don't know ,
those are electrical junction boxes .
They became the base for our tikkis.
Funny , huh ?
We just attached them to the top of the deck rail.

Then we used these ,

I bought replacement fiberglass tikki wicks
and inserted them through 3/8 inch pex couplings ( find them in the plumbing supply section ).
The other things in the picture are the caps we made.
They go over the tikkis when not in use so water doesn't get in the tikki oil.
We made ours out of galvanized threaded rods ( 1/2 inch ) and galvanized caps.
( also in plumbing supply )

not all wine bottles have the same diameter  opening.
I washed way too many wine bottles till I finally got enough the right size !
Also , they all not all the same width.
We found that the shorter squatty ( is that a word ? ) ones worked the best .

I seriously love these !

you should not drink Tikki oil ...
it says so on the bottle .

We had under $25 in the whole project !
You can't buy the cheap bamboo ones at the dollar store for that .
Plus these are sooooo much prettier .
PLUS I was able to use some of those wine bottles that keep mysteriously showing up !
Where do those come from ?
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Linking to some or all of these fabulous parties :

Sunday Showcase@ Under the Table and Dreaming
Sunday's Best@ My 1929 Charmer
Meet Me Monday @ You're Talking Too Much
More the Merrier Monday @ DIY Home Sweet Home
So Very Creative Party@ So Very Creative
Make a Scene Monday @ Alderberry Hill
Make it Yourself Monday @ An Original Belle
What's in the Gunny Sack @ The Gunny Sack
Metamorphosis Monday @ Between Naps on the Porch
ShowMe What You Got @ Our Delightful Home
Party Time Tuesday @ Northern Cottage
Cowboy Up Creative Linky Party @ The Farmehouse Porch
Tout it Tuesday @ Claiming our Space
Tutu's and Teaparties Pinteresting Party
A Pinteresting Party @ Here's to Handy Andy
Show off Your Stuff @ Fireflies and Jellybeans
Primp Your Stuff Wednesday@ Primp
Your Whims Wednesday @ My Girlish Whims
Show and Tell Friday @ My Romantic Home
Feathered Nest Friday @ French Country Cottage
Inspiration Friday @ At the Pickett Fence
Fabulous Friday @ Faith,Trust, and Pixie Dust
Fridays Unfolded @ Stuff and Nonsense
Shine on Friday @ Happy-Go_Lucky
FFA @ Sassy Sites
Delicately Constucted Friday @ Delicately Constructed
Creative Genius Party @ Creative Paige
Weekend Bloggy Reading @ Serenity Now
Say G'Day Linky Party @ Natasha in Oz
Inspiration Board Linky Party @ Homework
Live Laugh Linky @ live.laugh.rowe
Debbie Do"s Pin the Tail on the Bloggy Party


Saturday, June 23, 2012

DIY Photo Canvas - another Completed Pinterest Project !

I love a photo on canvas.
Actually, I just love a canvas.
And I had been wanting some family photos for Trailerhood II.
It is my second home.
And my home is not a home without photos of my people !
I thought I would try making my own.
Cause... I'm cheap you know.
I guess it's not actually a Pinterest project that I've pinned.
I've looked at  LOTS of pins on how to make these ,
but apparently never pinned one.

However , I did pin this idea , which is basically the same method I used.Pinned Image

Here is what I did :
First I printed out some of my favorite pictures from my computer.
( on card stock )
Some of the posts I've read had them printed at a photo store.
I didn't do this for two reasons ,
#1 - I'm cheap , remember ..
#2 - I wasn't sure if the Modge Podge would ruin good quality photos , so I didn't want to chance it.
Then , I took 4, 8x10 canvas' from Hobby Lobby,
painted the edges, 
( which you wouldn't have to do if you wrap your photos, but mine weren't big enough )
Painted Modge Podge all over the canvas ( liberally ),
placed the photos on top of the Modge Podged canvas .
And smushed and smushed and smushed.

The first two , I painted Modge Podge on top right away ,
but it looked like my color was running so I didn't do that on the last two.
(exactly why I didn't have my photos printed professionally)

You can't really tell from this picture , but Addie was looking really streaky.

On this one she was not.
So ... I just stopped.
I let them dry overnight.
In the morning , the top two were still a little streaky but the colors had not run.
And they had a really great finish.

I decided to give them all another coat of Modge Podge.


This is what I learned from this project:
Patience is key when working with Modge Podge
( not easy for me ...)
Let each coat completely dry before applying the next.

Painting Modge Podge in the same direction is important so you will  not get a "streaky" finish.

Being able to cut straight is a plus...

last but not least ,
You can have great looking photo canvas without spending much money at all !

I will defiantly be making more of these !
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Linking to some or all of these great parties :

Sunday Showcase@ Under the Table and Dreaming
Sunday's Best@ My 1929 Charmer
Meet Me Monday @ You're Talking Too Much
More the Merrier Monday @ DIY Home Sweet Home
So Very Creative Party@ So Very Creative
Make a Scene Monday @ Alderberry Hill
Make it Yourself Monday @ An Original Belle
What's in the Gunny Sack @ The Gunny Sack
Metamorphosis Monday @ Between Naps on the Porch
ShowMe What You Got @ Our Delightful Home
Party Time Tuesday @ Northern Cottage
Cowboy Up Creative Linky Party @ The Farmehouse Porch it Tuesday @ Claiming our Space
Tutu's and Teaparties Pinteresting Party
A Pinteresting Party @ Here's to Handy Andy
Show off Your Stuff @ Fireflies and Jellybeans
Primp Your Stuff Wednesday@ Primp
Your Whims Wednesday @ My Girlish Whims
Show and Tell Friday @ My Romantic Home
Feathered Nest Friday @ French Country Cottage
Inspiration Friday @ At the Pickett Fence
Fabulous Friday @ Faith,Trust, and Pixie Dust
Fridays Unfolded @ Stuff and Nonsense
Shine on Friday @ Happy-Go_Lucky
FFA @ Sassy Sites
Delicately Constucted Friday @ Delicately Constructed
Creative Genius Party @ Creative Paige
Weekend Bloggy Reading @ Serenity Now
Say G'Day Linky Party @ Natasha in Oz
Manic Monday @ Silo Hill Farm

    Thursday, June 21, 2012

    Thirsty Thursday - Mom-A-Licious Summer-tini

    This weeks Thirsty Thursday cocktail is brought to you by
    Better Homes and Gardens.
    But has , of course , been adapted by ME :)
    If you would like to see the origanial recipe you can find it on my cocktail pin board HERE
    or at HERE.
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    6 fresh raspberries
    ( like the ones I am fortunate enough to get from my Mother In Law )
    3 basil leaves
    3 ounces vodka
    1 ounce raspberry liqueur
    ( Schnapps or RazzleDazzle )

    Muddle the raspberries and basil together in the bottom of your cocktail shaker.
    (Slightly mashing the berries )
    Add vodka , liqueur and ice to the shaker.
    Shake vigorously for about 30 seconds
     ( this is where I like to interject a little hip shake )
    Strain into a martini glass
    ( or not , I see no reason to waste the berries )
    If you are feeling fancy , you can garnish with more fresh berries.
    Additional tip :
    Freeze the garnish berries first to help keep your cocktail cold.
    ( although mine don't last long enough to get warm... )
    I actually do that with any fruit I'm planning on using.
    I keep lemons and limes ( sliced ) in the freezer for that reason.

    Cheers Friends !

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    Wednesday with Addie and a FINISHED PInterest Project !

    This was supposed to get posted last night.
    We finally got a much needed rain  and with it came thunder and lightening.
    Which I love , but when you live in the boonies,
    you lose Internet !
    We have Wednesday with Addie on Thursday !
    ( We will also have out weekly Thirsty Thursday post later today ,
    for my boozey readers )

    Addie and I started a project that I found on Pinterest before Mother's Day.
    I got it done in time for Father's day.
    And I must say ,
    it's my favorite Pinterest project so far !

    Here is my pin :
    Pinned Image

    In this wonderful tutorial , she used fabric for the trees and leaves.
    I do not sew.
    Therefore I had no ( well not many ) fabric scraps to use,
    nor did I want to buy that much fabric.

    So I used scrapbook paper !
    I even found some that looked like wood !
    And here is my completed Pinterest project ....
     First I traced Addie's hand  ( and arm )on the backside of the wood tone paper.
    Then I cut out bunches and bunches of leaves out of paper that would coordinate with Sarah decor.
    Bring on the magic that is Modge Podge !
    I Modge Podged the burlap to a piece of cardboard
    ( wood would have worked better I think ).
    Modge Podge on the back ,
    Modge Podge on the front .

    Modge Podge each leaf till I had a full tree.
    The hand/arm gets MP'd on last .

    On the back I wrote :
    Happy Mother's Day and Father's Day 2012 Addie , Age 2 1/2.
    I am proud to say the kids LOVED it !

    I meant to have pictures of the whole process.
    Took LOADS of them .
    When I went to download them ,
    I discovered there was NO memory card in my camera !
    Hate to admit I was that forgetful
    but I wanted you to know why you are just seeing the finished project!

    I took these pictures when I picked Addie up yesterday.
    They already had it hanging on the wall :)

    It's been super hot ad dry here lately.
    Addie and I went shopping in the morning to find some sort of water activity for her to have at Grandmas house.
    I didn't really want a kiddie pool.
    Lucky for me ,
    she picked out a Slip and Slide.

    She wanted to fly like "Super Mam " !

    Slash !

    Surprise !

    Ta - Da !

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     linking to these fabulous parties ~

    Show and Tell Friday @ My Romantic Home
    Feathered Nest Friday @ French Country Cottage
    Inspiration Friday @ At the Pickett Fence
    Fabulous Friday @ Faith,Trust, and Pixie Dust
    Fridays Unfolded @ Stuff and Nonsense
    Shine on Friday @ Happy-Go_Lucky
    FFA @ Sassy Sites
    Delicately Constucted Friday @ Delicately Constructed
    Creative Genius Party @ Creative Paige

    Tuesday, June 19, 2012

    Quote of the Week... Change

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    Lots of things are changing in my life right now...

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    I think this is the stage I'm in right now...

    But change is good.
    And I am ready.

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    After all...
    I am not a tree .

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    Monday, June 18, 2012

    How the Garden Grows....

    How does the garden grow this week ?
    Not well....
    We need rain soooo badly !
    I'm really thinking of doing a little rain dance.
    Scary huh?

    You know I am always moving my furniture around ,
    and changing things on the wall .
    I'm just as bad in the garden.
    If a combination doesn't look right , I'll re pot.
    I'm constantly moving pots to other spot.
    OCD ?
    Maybe a little.

    Remember my succulent containers ?

    This one from the " Sunshine Garden "post.
    It just never looked quite right to me.
    Plus I didn't like this ladder in the display.
    It got too busy and dare I say "junky" looking.
    I know, I know , I like junk.
    Just not too much in one place...
    you know what I mean ?

    Sooo anyway.....
    I changed it .

    I like it much better in this crazy pot nestled in the flower bed.

     And I changed the ones on the lower steps of the ladder too.

    The old bread pans seemed like I good idea at the time...
    I sprayed this clay pot with Rustoleum 2X Coverage in Key Lime.
    It just makes me smile.

    I painted a turtle this color too.
    NO , not a real one !
    I'll show you sometime.

    I also had to change this one.
    You find the original post here.
    Actually the whole dispaly has changed ...
    OCD , right ???

    Terrible picture anyway...
    I didn't like the big succulent in the back.
    But I really didn't like the way  the rim of the inner pot showed.
    It just irritated me every time I looked at it .

    I found this vintage pan a few weeks back when I took Rhonda junkin with me .
    She got one too.
    Wonder if she's gotten her hens and chicks planted in hers..
    gonna have to ask her ..

    I'm liking this one MUCH better !
    What do you think ?
    Better or " you're crazy , just leave things alone " ?

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    Partying at some or all of these great places :
    Sunday Showcase@ Under the Table and Dreaming
    Sunday's Best@ My 1929 Charmer
    Meet Me Monday @ You're Talking Too Much
    More the Merrier Monday @ DIY Home Sweet Home
    So Very Creative Party@ So Very Creative
    Make a Scene Monday @ Alderberry Hill
    Make it Yourself Monday @ An Original Belle
    What's in the Gunny Sack @ The Gunny Sack
    Metamorphosis Monday @ Between Naps on the Porch
    ShowMe What You Got @ Our Delightful Home
    Party Time Tuesday @ Northern Cottage
    Cowboy Up Creative Linky Party @ The Farmehouse Porch
    Tout it Tuesday @ Claiming our Space
    Tutu's and Teaparties Pinteresting Party
    A Pinteresting Party @ Here's to Handy Andy
    Show off Your Stuff @ Fireflies and Jellybeans
    Primp Your Stuff Wednesday@ Primp
    Your Whims Wednesday @ My Girlish Whims
    Show and Tell Friday @ My Romantic Home
    Feathered Nest Friday @ French Country Cottage
    Inspiration Friday @ At the Pickett Fence
    Fabulous Friday @ Faith,Trust, and Pixie Dust
    Fridays Unfolded @ Stuff and Nonsense