This week has been an extremely sad week for Americans.
As we are all glued to the TV watching the horror unfold,
I have been reflecting on the events of April 19th, 1995.
In February when we went to San Antonio ,
and on the recommendation of a friend ,
we stopped in Oklahoma to visit the Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial.
Sis and I had lived in Oklahoma for a few years when we were kids ,
and have always felt a kinship with the state .
It was a very moving experience to say the least .
On the morning of April 19, 1995, Timothy McVeigh parked a rental truck with explosives in front of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building and at 9:02am, a massive explosion occurred which sheared the entire north side of the building, killing 168 people.
( copied from the Memorial website )
This section of the Memorial represents the 168 people that were killed .
Each row represents the floor of the building they were on .
And each chair represents a victim.
The first row / floor has the most chairs,
that is where the daycare was located .
This was the hardest for me to fathom ...
innocent children.
What makes a person so consumed with hatred that they have no regard for the innocent ?
I can't and won't understand it .
The events of this week and the tragedy in Boston , have brought it to the surface again.
However, when you go to the memorial ,
you have a sense of peace ,
of a city and nation that came together to create a beautiful and lasting tribute to those lost .
The Survivor Tree.
Just a common AMERICAN elm .
It withstood the blast and stands proud still .
Engraved on the wall surrounding the Survivor Tree,
is this quote,
" The Spirit of this City and this Country will not be defeated ; our deeply rooted faith sustains us . "
That is my hope and my prayer for the city of Boston ,
all the victims and the loved ones of victims ,
and really , all of the citizens of
OUR great country .
Peace to you all ...