Sunday, October 9, 2011

Indian Summer

 We are having the most AMAZING  Indian Summer here in Northeast Iowa! We stayed home this weekend because we had a wedding to attend and actually I was pretty excited to have the whole weekend to putz around the house and get some projects done !

It was SO awesome outside , so needless to say , I spent most of my time yesterday on outside projects instead of inside projects. I'm hoping to get some of those done today ( if I can talk Hubby into helping me )

Anyway... I have to share some of yesterday's adventures with you.
I decided I wanted some Pampas grass for an outdoor display , so I called my sister to see if she wanted to go. We have a HUGE spread of Pampas grass at one of our farms and I wanted a bunch so I thought I would talk her into cutting too and it would go faster. On the way to pick her up , I was checking out the road ditches for interesting foliage I could cut also, I wanted some red Sumac for sure.
Well, we cut the grass ( easy peasy) and then I decided to drive around the corner to see if there was foliage that would be easier to get to , no such luck as everything was SO dusty from lack of rain and farmers in the fields. BUT, by a driveway I spotted some kind of tree/bush with black seed/berries ... way cool. When I got out to try to cut it , I noticed it was also covered in bittersweet , JACKPOT ! I was so excited that I guess I wasn't really watching where I was stepping , no I did not fall , I know that's what you were thinking, but Sis said  if I did she would help me up , after she quit laughing of course!
I came home with a trunk load of Nature's Bounty , some scratches and a few thorns embedded in my hands, but look what I was able to create !

This farmhouse table is one of Hubby's great finds in the flip house!

As is the wooden box and sign.

Bittersweet ! Gorgeous!

My curious cats

More "found" stuff from the flip house. White " chippy" chair, another table ( he was going to burn this one - NOT ) and an old milk box ( not sure if that's what you call it, but it was the box that sat beside your door and when the milkman delivered your milk , he put it in there ).

 A brown glass jug with a  broken top ( the bittersweet hides it ), another wooden fruit box from the flip house and a copper bird feeder with a broken chain ( might as well fill it with gourds then ).

The copper bird feeder.

Striper wanted his picture taken.

The "chippy" chair.

I LOVE  Indian Summer! Hope it stays around for a while !

P.S. I am linking this post to :
Check out all of the awesomeness at Funky Junk Interiors . It's one of my FAV'S!
another FAV !

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