Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Easy Peasy Spring Wreath

Today was a good/bad sort of day.
The bad ~ no Addie today.
Her Mommy had the day off and she wanted to spend the day with her.
I can't blame her , she works a lot and doesn't get a lot of extra time with Addie.
But bummer for me ...

The good ~ since I wasn't entertaining a two year old ,
and it was a beautiful day,
I got a bunch of projects done.
One for me and THREE ( yes three ) for the store !

Today I'm sharing the one I made for me.
I'll share the others, I promise ~later.
I wanted to make a Spring wreath for the entry.
(Mostly cause there was some linky parties I wanted to participate in.)
But I had no inspiration.
I wanted something different.
So where did I go for inspiration ?
You guessed it ...

But I don't have a pin to show you ,
mine is kind of a combo of some I found.
Here what I came up with ~
Kinda cute huh?

This is what I started with ~
A straw wreath
 ( I picked up a bunch of these a while back at the thrift store for 50 cents each ! )
Some felt flowers I made too many of a while ago.
Straight pins

First I cut my fabric into strips
Now you may or may not have caught on to this by now ,
I don't do ANYTHING exactly.
This is why I will never be a quilter.
So don't ask what size the strips are ~ K , K...
I can tell you this ,
I used one fat quarter .
Funny I know what a fat quarter is , right ?
I don't even own a sewing machine.
But fat quarters work perfectly for chair seats .
Perfect size .
Plus my store is right next to the most fabulous quilt shop...
Oops, got a little off track there.
If I had to guess , maybe 2 inch strips .
They weren't all the same and and it really doesn't matter.

Pin the first strip to the back of the straw wreath.
Continue to wrap the fabric strips around the wreath so the straw is covered.
When one strip is done , pin the next one on .
I used two pins each time.
Should of gotten a picture of that ... Oops
I'm not much good at this tutorial stuff...Sorry
But it's really easy... Promise

I pinned on the felt flowers.
Did I mention I didn't use any glue ?
Only pins ...loved it !
No burned fingers :)
Plus , it made it really easy to move them around when I didn't like the placement.

I used the last strip of fabric to make a loop at the top to hang it.
Again , just fold it over and pin it underneth.
I didn't quite like the way that looked.
It didn't look finished to me.
I took some yarn ,
made a bunch of loops ,
cut another peice of yarn and tied it through the middle of the loops to make a bow.
Then , I tied the bow to the strip that was pinned to the wreath.
A much more finished look.

My finished wreath.
It took me less than 30 minutes to complete.
I'm happy with it .

Easy Peasy !

I'm linking this post to these linky parties~
Newbie Party Reunion @ DebbieDoos
Show Off Your Stuff @ Fireflies and Jellybeans
Primp Your Stuff Wednesday @ Primp
Your Whims Wednesday @ My Girlish Whims
Good Life Wednesday @ A Beach Cottage
Rock & Share @ The Shady Porch(a pinterest party)
Tablescape Thrursday@ Beteen Naps on the Porch
Thursdays are Your Days @ 52 Mantles
Show and Tell Friday@ My Romantic Home
Feathered Nest Friday @ French Country Cottage
Inspiration Friday@ At the Picket Fence
Pinning and Singing on the Weekend@ 5 Minutes Just for Me
Potpourri Friday @ 2805
Fabulous Friday @ Faith,Trust and Pixie Dust
Weekend Bloggy Reading : Link Up @ Serenity Now
Fridays Unfolded @ Stuff and Nonsense
Shine on Friday @ Happy-Go-Lucky
Saturday Nite Special @ Funky Junk Interiors
A Pinteresting Link Party @ Here's to Handy Andy
Tutu's and Teaparties : A Pinteresting Party @
Just a Party with My Peeps @ How to Nest for Less
It's a Cinch @ The Space Between

Pin It


  1. Hi Dawn, I'm here to celebrate the reunion and I just became your newest follower on Linky. I'd love to have you visit and follow me. Thanks, Helen

  2. I absolutely LOVE the wreath you made. It's so pretty! I'll have to make one for our new home once we've moved in. Love the blog, and thanks for stopping by mine. Look forward to reading more! :D

  3. This is such a cute and fun idea, perfect fabric for spring! Thank you so much for linking up. :)

  4. Love the fabric and the felt flowers and the yarn bow!

    Thanks so much for linking up to our Cinch party!



  5. Very sweet wreath. I have been struggling with my own spring wreath - it's nice to see a finished inspirational version. Thanks for sharing at our party this week.

  6. What an amazing project! I think you have found a new use for those simple straw wreaths! Perfect for my back porch for spring.

    Thanks for linking to our "It's a Cinch" party.


  7. Off to the craft store for a straw wreath! Love this fun springy project.

    So glad you joined our Cinch party.

    New Linky follower

  8. Loving the robot chalkboard sticker. I have boys and they would love this! kids wall decals


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